Anyone know what this is?

Apr '24 - I found this random question mark in frostmill on my new file. I thought it was for the treasure chart I found but no. It was completely off. It was also underwater, so I did what anyone would do, I went underwater. I went down and saw nothing but a huge shadow. I got paranoid and went up fast. I tried to get a picture of it but it was already gone. I asked someone about it and they also didnt know

It was like North edge of frostmill in the Sea. It was orange kinda like the question marks of the trainers

what do you think it is?
i dont see anything wrong with it tho

Huge shadow like a silhouette or huge shadow like what happens when you dive and it takes a second to load the lighting? Because if it was a silhouette it’s wholly possible that it was just one of the cheeky shark-type sea monsters spawning under Frostmill like usual, though it is weird there was a quest marker.

Definitely haven’t seen any sort of new quest markers around Frostmill.

new kingdom alignment leak :hugs:

Ooooh, could be.

oh, that’s just gornazorth’s quest
you actually have to use a sky ship to get up to them, since they’re a dragon

AO creepypastas?

it’s not

people talking like this is some crazy stuff

it was probably just the quest marker for going to Frostmill, maybe it just didn’t move to the next part of the story fast enough because of your device being slow. You are playing on low graphics after all so I’m gonna assume that’s the case. The quest marker suddenly moving could just be your player’s location finally processing. Nothing creepy illuminati it could just be a slow device :sob: