Anyway, I made the ender dragon in Build a Boat

“Terrible Quality Mistakes Included”

Anyway, I made this in Build a Boat for Treasure.
Although not shown in the video, it can:

  • Breathe Fire (Ultra Thruster).
  • Allow up to 5 people (including driver) to have a view from the dragon’s eyes.
  • And has 2-servo “joint” wings.

Also uses a flying machine glitch.
I am a terrible driver :/


then get a license


today we’re gonna be making a 1:1 scale replica of the entire universe in build a boat

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cool my friend made a massive dick that could fly into the floating point


thats actually very good
coming from somebody who dont make idea how make something fly on this game

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i wish i had screenshots but i dont sadly
and i can get any cuz me and my friend got banned off of roblox for calling somebody gay

… talking about the ender dragon

is a flying dick still impressive

no, you litteraly make a upside down T

no its detailed and stuff
it has an elevator and functioning doors n shit

why tf you maked a detailed penis on roblox
well, at last the fact you managed to put a elevator on it is impressive

because i can

I read this as “I put the ender dragon in a boat”

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Omg Minecraft modded!!!

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