Ao Art Contest, Entry

With the Logo:

“This girl is on fireeee~”


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The image lost it’s sharpness when it’s uploaded. If you zoomed in, you can see her frown.

Don’t call us out like that


Then the rest is just noise mask and darkened overlay.


I’m not perfect, so I won’t draw anything perfect.

FFFIRE!!! :heart_on_fire:


This is really cool!

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gg. :saluting_face:

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Oh this is definitely getting a place for sure

Amazing work!

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You didn’t forget the freckles this time around

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Yeah… I kept eyeing on thr freckles brush.

now draw her giving birth

Iris looks like she’s in the process of burning the Erdtree here

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is that the red mist

Thine journey ends here, tarnished. I hast bitches to burn.

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She is Fire!

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God dang that hair detail and just an overall nice style for Iris, great work

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