AO build check

same as drip check, but for armor builds instead

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stop copying these please

buddy this is the only one ive seen as far as i know

whatever you say

That’s not build check

This is the build I just set up on my Metal Paladin

i don’t play this game, by the way.

i think i can do better

do you really need that much agility on a non-strenght class? You’re using metal too, where the atk speed at?

Cernyx amulet got buffed, I’d recommend swapping the magicmancer/arcsphere with the Cernyx sets and then adding Cernyx amul (do whatever you please with the current def amulet, although you can get t2 enchants, modifiers and a good jewel substats

this is a typical glass cannon mage build, just wanted your opinion

Glass canon, but 283 def?

a typical build has like 700+ defense so ye glass cannon

me crying with my 270 def build thinking it isn’t glass canon

Anyways I got an even glassier canonneer build
175 power, 37 ap

you used armor piercing in a build, your opinion is invalidated and your license to rate builds has been revoked

experimental knight build

one at a time ladies…


dark bronze EP stinks use cernyx or something instead