AO deepsea horror update idea lol

AO deepsea horror update idea lol
effort 4.714285714285714 7 quality 4.571428571428571 7 reasonability 4.142857142857143 7

Introducing the main concept

This proposed idea probably isn’t needed, but it would be a neat new addition for underwater exploration, and could help to add more mysteries and more underwater exploration content, much like diving spots.

This new feature adds several new things, but the biggest one of them all, the main new implementation, is what I think should be called:

Hadal trenches

Hadal trenches are randomly generating occurrences that appear as massive gaping underwater ravines that can span very long. From looking at them via the surface or in clearer waters, they appear dark and ominous as no sunlight is able to reach inside them.

What the entrance to the ravine could look like from the inside:
13,600+ Ocean Abyss Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock |  Ocean floor, Ocean depths, Mount everest
(as you can see, they are extremely dark as sunlight stops being able to travel so deep.)

New mechanics

Hadal trenches are rare, and often many sailors are unable to locate them, however, there are some ways that hadal trenches can be spotted from the surface.

-bubbles appearing from the surface of the ocean
-a sailboat piloted by a passive NPC, who when interacted with, will claim that they followed a map to treasures untold, but ended up in the middle of nowhere, what they don’t know is these treasures are deep underwater, and they’re near a hadal trench
-your NPCs such as edward kenton claiming to feel “an ominous presence from the deep” indicating you are close/at a hadal trench.

The dangers of being unprepared

Unlike a diving spot, which simply requires a breathing potion or 2, hadal zones are much more brutal, and could call for the need of defense boosting potions due to the immense pressure that these extreme and mysterious environments cause, making them much harder to navigate.

Hadal trenches will also inflict tier 1 insanity upon entering one, and if you go deeper, you’ll end up with tier 2 insanity at max.

Hadal trenches also boast a new type of sea monster…

I haven’t come up with a name yet, but this creature is a massive, vantablack eel, with glowing white eyes that stalk you as you swim in the pitch black waters of the deep.

This creature is a mostly passive giant, but will become hostile and attack you if you get too close, thus requiring the player to be very careful when exploring these trenches.

it doesn’t spawn in every trench, but when it does, you best be smart.

It is also fightable, and could possibly grant a drop similar to white eyes from more shallow waters, unknown what it could be used for though.

Hadal trenches can contain many structures, mostly ruins, broken ships, and things similar to diving spots, however, these structures are often much more elaborate and old, generally being larger too, making them more hazardous to explore if not prepared correctly.

Hadal trenches also contain Underwater vents! these deep sea volcanic structures create massive smog clouds that are best avoided, they deal burn damage + cloud DoT over time in rapid succession, making them chip away at health very fast, they’re also quite common.

What rewards await you in these dangerous and treacherous depths?

Lots, and lots of goodies can be found deep underwater that makes these locations worth exploring, they’re like a higher risk, higher reward diving spot, with many goodies such as scrolls, enchantments, rare armors, good weapons, gems, and galleons.

Carrying them up is thankfully not that hard of a task as is coming down, just be able to handle the insanity and you should be able to carefully take your goodies to your ship and reap the rewards.

If you explore all Hadal structures in the bronze sea, you’ll get a badge: “Bronze sea surveyor”

Hadal trenches also have extremely small chances of sunken items spawning inside them, however, only 1 will spawn, and it’s very unlikely.

There could also be a new type of weapon found in the deep, something to do with shadow magic of some kind representing the dark environment it has sat in for so long, perhaps an abyssal trident of some kind?

why should this be implemented?

Hadal trenches can offer a new feature for underwater exploration that could add more depth and atmosphere into the Arcane universe, and some players could enjoy the exploration aspect that comes from these new structures.

The only known spot in the warseas that can inflict insanity is Akursius keep, this could help spread the unique effect around more.

Possible issues

Might be very hard to implement, lots of small little new features combined to make this new one.

Could be unfair and redundant to diving spots.


This post was inspired by the white eyes glitch that happened pre-release

Damn more horror based content for Ao would be interesting



we don’t need this we already have cheap jumpscares in the game when you fall into the water for 3 seconds at the sailor’s lodge and get mauled by 5 sharks all at once
neat idea tho

I like this but sharks coming out of nowhere with their unanimated stupidity can easily ruin this sorta stuff

also I feel like it would have been better to suggest some types of sea life like angler fish, eels, etc instead of a sea monster suggestion.

honestly would be pretty cool suggestion, but I feel like perhaps in a later sea making an area of the ocean just a rift would be better, like say an npc tells you that off in a desolate corner of the ocean, it seems to be infinitely deep or something, and the result is basically calamity’s Abyss but perhaps not AS deep.

I REALLY like the concept of a weapon at the very bottom, maybe it could be like one really hard challenge to sink to the bottom and retrieve it from all the sea life and perhaps some underwater dangers like sea volcanos


This is a great suggestion and i love it to death, but i have some things to add:

1, finding a trench: The idea with the bubbles can’t really work with how smaller diving points are programmed to also show bubbles on the surface right now, maybe have some sort of dark stuff floating to the surface instead (like a really faint oil spill, but made of volcanic ashes)?
The passive sailor npc is also nice, maybe they are underwater archaeologists and could sell you normal sea charts as well as give info about trenches (or have them sell a deep sea chart with coordinates telling you they are too scared to enter the trench)?
The idea about npc’s feeling a “prescence” feels kind of out of place though, maybe have lines exclusive to the quartermasters related to them specifically, like Kenton saying “I remember a rumour about an underwater trench nearby from my time in the Navy” (fitting as he is an ex-Navy captain), or Enizor saying he feels an overwhelming prescence because he’s an alchemist and more in-tune with the the flow of magic (or something like that).

2, entering the trench: The idea of needing a high defense stat is very fitting, it reminds me of the Abyss biome in Terraria’s Calamity mod, where your defense stat is lowered dramatically the deeper you go, and eventually coming to a point where you have to make special gear to reduce the debuff to not die (Abyss - Calamity Mod Wiki). It would also be cool if getting deep inside the trench requires a high level water breathing potion (the lower you go the faster your oxygen drains), so you really need to come prepared (for anyone not aware, lvl 5 water breathing potions are planned to give you infinite breath for the duration, but the ingredients would be really rare).

3, the eel monster: I love this idea, it would fit perfectly with the whole deep-sea vibe, very nice. The way it is described here reminds me of SCP-3000 (SCP-3000 - SCP Foundation), which is a massive eel that toys with your memories and makes you go insane, so lets play in on that idea a little more.
What if after you attack the eel it raises your insanity, damaging your psyche, without having to physically attack you (maybe its eyes start glowing brightly to indicate this attack and become even more menacing), and you have to get out of its line of sight by hiding behind a stalagmite or something to lose the debuff (and maybe have a special death screen where its glowing eyes stare at you until you respawn).
As for the boss drop i have 2 main ideas: A long sword made of one of the eel’s bones that would have the katana’s moveset and would inflict insanity on hit, and/or some sort of organ from the eel that would give a potent insanity protection buff when brewed into a potion (like how snake venom is used to make antidotes IRL).

4, loot: Just having high level loot is nice, though having sunkens spawn inside is unlikely, as vetex has stated he doesn’t want to make sunkens obtainable in any way other than fishing.
A badge for exploring every trench could be neat but also really bad depending on how it works, as someone who has the diver badge i can tell you you basically have to dedicate an entire day to it and hope and pray you dont get disconnected.
The trident is cool and fits the theme so no suggestions there.

So yeah cool suggestion very epic :+1:


damn these are great addons

I bet these could be incorporated too so they help fill in some gaps and spice things up more

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personally still feel like this being a randomly spawning thing is kind of eh

100% would be amazing if it was like a semi hidden thing in a sea like that sunken village in AA


Love the idea, but this would likely boost the part count by at least 3000 per server due to how it would change terrain generation.

when the idea is amazing but destroys server ping :frcryin:

This is basically just diving points but I still love it. Can’t wait to throw hands.

I like the idea. It’d be nice if each trench had at least one of a unique kind of sealed chest that gives exclusive items.

I like this idea. Having their locations marked with bubbles on the surface is kind of lame though, but otherwise everything else is good.

I was thinking perhaps but also maybe some certain trench exclusive cosmetic accessories and clothing can be found down here adding incentives to explore

Pretty cool, although I can see this causing some server lag and also is on the more complex side of things to add

It would be cool to explore “hadal trenches” and to try to not die.
(btw dont try insanity 2 in pvp or pve, its just like going blind)

Like the idea, and would love for it to be implemented, just scared on how laggy the game would be :fr:

Lagcane odyssey