Wind or ice imbuement?
Looks like ice
Sewer warlock
they should add brown water so i can make my diarrhea leg warlock
we will have diarrhea leg (me), germ leg (you), black leg (all those sanji cosplayers or some shit idk), and fruity leg (crystal iron leg meta sweats)
bruh imbue the weapons so we can see the crystal
oh nice, a fellow Crystal Conj
I like the pose but that hair ain’t it ;-;
I don’t like to be mean but he looks like a poorly generated ai criminal
Plasma Savant Gang (Mine sucks)
Finna look real good once we get new guns
Weird that we got green water despite there being acid and not brown water
He looks like he is holding enchanted minecraft sticks
i cant unsee it
bro should use max knockback gems and max intensity
Kinda was going for the look, maybe minus the AI part, but yeah.
Gives off Kafka vibes, cool design tho!