this is what a 15 hour wild goose chase for a hecate essence does to people
dont do 15 hour wild goose chases for a hecate essence and insanity 3 kids
see kids, this is what happens if you do insanity 3

i didn’t know it was possible to capture this type of energy in ao, i’m amazed
this is what the agility changes have done to people
Mods convince vetex to revert them before its too late
part of sand magic is having the best drip (trust me ask vetex)
oh i know ive experienced it ive made two sand files and my drip is impeccable now its so cool
we could be anything from beach boy to pharaohs curse embodied
its cuz earth is your first magic (im guessing)
i would personally add more beige below the waist
yeah i gotta get some more items
i could take a look at what i have legs that may work
You’re permanently banned from the kitchen
Do people still play this game?
yes but that drip is a certified L get sunken iron gear and replace the iron so the color schemes match
visgoth chest piece is way too long for it to look good with anything its so dog and half of the new chests/pants dont line up its infuriating