AO Drip Check

I want the fish armor.

atlantean ear mutation/atlantean sailfish fin


so basically we just rip off their body parts and put it on ourself, huh

i foresee absolutely no consequensce from doing this

yep :)!!!

i will make my character into a fish

the tides call, and who am i to not answer?

give me all your musgravite

i have like 1 :sob:

school’s a pain in the rear as always

considering I have nearly +90% Air Capacity right now and about +30%-+40% Swimming Speed, i have 1000% answered the tides :smiling_imp:

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I may not have the swimming speed, but my navy file has 100% air capacity and can no longer drown. Also due to having sailor style and cannon fist she basically doesn’t even need a boat

she is the boat

There is a reason one of the ability names is “Warship body”

i had +118% air capacity before i opted for swim speed. ha

did you… did you gain breath in water?

the truth is heartbreaking :cry:

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I can take it

speak the truth

i did not. it was really tragic.

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I could not take it…

you don’t need more than 100%

says who :rage: