AO fandom WIKI (mb not forum) sucks ngl

Let’s talk about fandom first. Tons of ads and terrible for performance. You can’t edit polls after posting them. Also you can only use EITHER a poll OR a text post. You can’t put paragraphs and have a poll under the paragraphs

It has barely any formatting and is pretty boring compared to the forum. Forum has badges (and more reactions than just heart). Forum has people who are usually, not always smart and will answer your questions as much as they can. Almost 100% of the time your question is solved. Much more active here too

At fandom however we’ve got a ton of pointless drama that is now cleared up (thank God bro)

Sorry :fr:

i cant believe mods took our badge rights bc u got a little bit too courios

Bio you took everything from us

please elaborate!

fandom has a actual trash community as well lol

look what they did to @Randomness

also one of them joined here and are FUCKING snowflakes I kid you not, also their OC lore sucks as well

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So uh long story short, Fiko, a random user. Try to dox another user before and gotten banned right? So after some time. Fiko somehow came back and began saying how Icylla is threading him and saying he has some evidence for his reasoning. The drama was so stupid. People began leaving the wiki due to this.

Although this ain’t the clearest reasoning since I left the wiki months ago. In general, I’m glad that the wiki suffering. I kinda lost care for that hellhole tbh since the fact that the people there are the definition of being idiots. I swear I could go on a rant onto why the wiki sucks. But I will sound like an idiot.

mod abusing

Do not the fandom.

I never tried to dox anyone, those are false allegations and theres literally no proof to support them. Fishsticks, please stop spreading misinformation about me on the internet.

Nobody gives a shit here sorry

why does this sound familiar

also, what the sigma?

I have no idea what this drama is about but I now fully believe these allegations are true because of this necropost

Sole redeeming feature

They aren’t, they were never true. You have no proof, no one has proof, because the allegations are false.

Maria “drama” jumpscare

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Nobody cares :pray:

Well apparenty they do, else they wouldn’t be replying to a 6 month necro

you necroed this and we decided to joke about it, it ain’t that important