AO Fighting Styles Basically

The trequel to AO Magic Basically and AO Stat Builds Basically we’ve all been waiting for

Basic Combat: I mean you just punch them I guess

Boxing: Basic Combat but with different stats and knockback

Cannon Fist: With most fighting Styles you just beat up your enemies but I just frickin’ hurl big giant balls of steel at my enemies

Iron Leg: Never skip leg day

Sailor Style: “Oh I’m gonna beat you up so hard you’ll have a TWITCH! I’ll put me thumbs in your eyes and hang on until you’re DEAD! I’M GOING TO STRANGLE YOU WITH ME BARE HANDS!” - Demoman tf2

Thermo Fist: Arson but with fists (yay)

Well that was a lot shorter but eh the series is complete and like yay

Shoulda said “it’s nerf or nuthin”


That’s too real bro :skull:

Impact Fist: I finally charged a blast

AO weapon types basically :japanese_goblin:

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AO Potions Basically :speaking_head:

I think I am going to get pressured into continuing this series :sob:

ao dark sea island types basically :100:

ao stat build types basically

That was literally the first thing I did in the series

ao characters basically

ao basically


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