AO Forumers trying to talk about ANY game on ANY platform other than AO and DW for more than a single thread in off-topic that only lasts a few dozen replies and doesnt get any activity for more than 1 or 2 days

Then where did it come from? It lowkey could be faked, or just missing context

Iā€™ll take the criticism, ty

again, youā€™re only taking vetexā€™s statements for fact here. The two testers had found literal one shot combos along with a multitude of other arrows (such as a bug that made a specific move lag out the entire server), and vetex basically just ignored it for the most part. If you think Iā€™m lying at this point, tough luck, I canā€™t get through to you guys

that just isnā€™t true lmfao what the fuck
bro just thought up of something to make them look bad

then why make it public in the first place?? Just take it to DMs like any mature person, the fact that he put it in general means he wanted people to feed his ego and agree with him blindly. Nobody would do this type of behavior

this isnā€™t true, Iā€™ve asked them

This also isnā€™t true, I asked myself

the video speaks for itself, the PVP does not look fun in the slightest, and considering PVP will be enabled basically everywhere thenā€¦ jesus

youā€™ve already made this point, and Iā€™ll reiterate my counter argument. I donā€™t need to know how to develop a game in Lua in order to criticize vetex, Iā€™m just using my intuition and common knowledge to come up with the idea that, hey, maybe balancing basically EVERYTHING to the last month isnā€™t a very good idea.

no, look at any process for any developer, they donā€™t do this. They mainly get most of the major things out of the way, and then go into the niche stuff

I donā€™t understand this sentence

iirc, didnt he fix that on the trello?

Also one of them said this after being banned:

Both people didnā€™t choose to deny the leaking accusation during the time of the incident when Vetex was there, someone who could have debunked it if they lied at the time

They do bring up some interesting points though, so I wouldnā€™t be against the idea of them having given actual criticism.

I do need to reiterate the fact that Vetex wanted to work on the story at the time though. Youā€™re kind of forgetting that one of the main core parts of PVP and builds is the awakenings, which cannot be actually worked on until the story is complete since thats when you actually get it.
Plus, Vetex balances stuff like super fast whenever he notices it, he legit nerfed and buffed a couple spells in a few minutes a couple days ago, so the time concern isnā€™t really that much of an issue. Even if he needs to balance stuff, heā€™ll have at least 10,000 people playing the game and giving feedback as well

I donā€™t see what this image argues, in fact it argues against vetex as it literally states that everything vetex has leaked is everything in the game.
There is nothing to leak.

the dicksucking is CRAZY!!!

Iā€™ve stated this already but they did give criticism for not only balancing purposes but also some other additions he could make in order to fix the PVP aspect of the game.

That is irrelevant, that isnā€™t how you balance something. Iā€™ll give you an analogy to better help understand what they did

Letā€™s say you find a corpse at some random murder scene, what the suggested vetex to do is basically dial 911 immediately and get the issue taken care of
however what vetex is basically doing is trying to find who murdered the man, and is going on a wild goose chase whilst the corpse continues to rot. That is what theyā€™re complaining about.

Thereā€™s a difference between a combo that can one shot versus a spell doing a tad bit too much damage, those balance changes seem random, but who knows, I canā€™t really confirm that.

This hardly ever happened in AA or WOM, I doubt something will magically change

also when you bring this up please donā€™t cherry pick the context because in the message being replied to (which you never fully showed) vet was the one who accused them of threatening to leak (which there isnā€™t any current proof for lmao), but this makes it look like the tester is just saying thereā€™s nothing to leak out of nowhere. do better gang

True, we canā€™t really know that.
Although, Iā€™d find it a bit weird if a tester pointed out a one shot combo and Vetex didnā€™t do anything about it

Oh no I didnā€™t Cherry-Pick the context, Criminal_Scum (person I sent the image to) already knows about the original message and the details about the accusation. You can see the message heā€™s replying to in the image too

Yeah, itā€™s weird that he didnā€™t decide to immediately fix it, which is why I disagree with the actions heā€™s taking to make his game. If he decides to wait and fix all the one shot combos at the end of the month, then heā€™s bound to fail

Thatā€™sā€¦ Quite an analogy :shockedskull: (please keep this convo civil if ur able to)

Im too scared to ask what this emoji is

nobodyā€™s ever gonna agree so why not just stop the argument

do you REALLY think people would end an argument just because itā€™s the most logical thing to do?

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no but they should

The argument already ended lmao

What in the world is this analogy I just made, this devolved super quickly into a weird story

the calling the police part is not fighting styles, its just general balancing issues that, if left unattended, begin to rot and the murderer goes on to kill more and more people (which in this case means that the balancing issue becomes bigger and bigger)

very interesting analogy

yeah the presentation will be fine at the beginning but the issues will become more and more prominent if left unnoticed, furthermore since the bean structure (PVP in general) is such a fundamental part of the presentation, it being flawed is a huge deal.
Although at the beginning the presentation is met with praise, eventually people will point out more and more flaws in it (similar to WOM and even AA)