AO Forumers trying to talk about ANY game on ANY platform other than AO and DW for more than a single thread in off-topic that only lasts a few dozen replies and doesnt get any activity for more than 1 or 2 days

Hollup… let him cook! :fire::fire::shallow_pan_of_food::fried_egg::fried_egg:

i wasnt talkin about crim i was talkin about the nerd guy



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My main problem with the combat in AA and WoM was that there was no good mobility options.
Looking at the clips of AO combat, that is no longer an issue, I don’t see how on earth people can look at AA combat and AO combat and say they’re the same.

Things vet has changed about the combat (that I know off the top of my head)

  • Blocking no longer roots you in place

  • Running no longer takes stamina

  • More skill types (grabs that double as mobility or as a way to create/close distance)

  • Dodging

  • Heavy slashes removed

  • M1’s on weapons have been improved visually and in utility (can use them in the air now)

  • Health Regen and Attack speed has been adjusted (Combat is now faster paced)

  • Hover will be an optional lost spell and has been replaced with offence

  • Power and defense are no longer the dominant enchants

  • Less endlang on everything

And more bro, I could go on. The combat is similar to what we have seen before, but it is not exactly the same as it’s predecessor and it has changed for the better.

This isn’t “dicksucking” either, it’s an objective fact.


every move is either a lunge, a grab, or a blast. The only deviation is you either do more damage, or travel further. Your PVP videos showcased this idea flawlessly, every move is the same core idea with only different effects, which doesn’t make it unique.

Your other movement abilities are likely not too different from lunges, t-jumps, or dashes.

It’s been proven to work in 1 game, and 1 game only. That doesn’t mean it’s a flawless form of PVP that needs no change.

everyone else on this platform will automatically agree with you in the hope of gaining tester, you and I know this both, look at Maple.

But it still has lack of content, you’re just adding more moves that do the same thing but have more effects. What is the difference between 20 Q-blast and the Exiled sword special move? Damage? I see…

The AA pvp was also bad due to a lack of variety, every build was the same because deviating from the meta would get you killed 20 times over. You said that there is going to be more build potential with the addition of “conjurors”, “warlocks”, and “tanks” but in reality nobody is going to run any of those because just like all of your previous games, deviating from the meta is not worth it in any sense.
Every game you have made had two major flaws, lack of variety, and lack of any unique builds, there was no point in being tanky because everyone did 100+ damage, and everyone had like 600-700 HP, so every fight ended in either 3 seconds or 2 minutes.

god stop using that phrase, makes you sound like a busted up robot dawg

this is probably the edgiest thing you could’ve said btw
Also, there is no potential in this combat style, it worked once and you assume that it’s the greatest combat style ever

and there still is, adding more effects does not fix this.

the style itself was also bad, not only did every move do an absurd amount of damage, but every fight was the exact fucking same, it never deviated. Even with roughly 5 fighting styles and 20+ weapons in AA, nobody decided to use anything besides the meta which was
magic power gear mostly with a little bit of defense, and a magic horn.

Not only do most of your testers not even play test AO, I don’t think some of them have even touched it. This says a lot about who you hire as testers, people who blindly follow and praise you to raise your ego (all speculative, but I don’t think this is too far from the truth :))

vocal minority including two testers who probably had the most hours in your game and therefore had the most feedback to give.

12 years yet your understanding of game design is still next to nothing, unfortunate.


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savage isnt a tester

I’m convinced every word that you type is meant to be bait because this is unbelievably stupid.

you havent even read it, go back to your hobbit cave
shoo shoo

and you’re saying they sound like a broken record lol.

yeah saying “youre close minded” over and over doesn’t make your argument anymore significant

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Not trying to be brash or escalating the situation, but if I recall didn’t Infernasu say something along the lines of “Same outdated combat”? He hasn’t even played the game and he’s already saying combat is bad but, you are right, AO combat looks much more defined, way more better then WoM or AA.

saying “dicksucking” over and over doesn’t make your argument anymore significant either.

criticized vetex too much, going to get a bunch of replies saying “ur wrong and u like men”

how stupid are you?

literally every single attack in EVERY single game is just those 3 things with some variations between them all.

you realize that broad as fuck categories as those mean nothing?

yeah that’s what im saying
he doesn’t change anything

also no, not every pvp game is the same thing over and over tf u on about