AO Forums New Year Party [POLLS]

2021 is closing to its end. And has it been one hell of a year for the Forums.
Yes, nothing has happened to the game, though we have seen what will be of the future. Very exciting things.
But our little community we had here had a great year. Many people rose up in the boring time of TGR and managed to deliver entertainment for the many of us, we’ve all had a great year on here where you have been active or not. Well, for some.
Of course 2021 is not the great year I’m talking about. Sadly, many people died, effecting some of the people in this server too. We may have lost our friends, families, and other people we know. But we managed to keep strong at least. We got through the year.
Thank you to the ones we lost. You won’t be forgotten.

So what’s with this post.
I want this post to be where we share our stories of the year, and have a nice chat with the people of the forums together to close off the year.
So let’s make this post count for the final 5 days of the year. Get some popcorn, relax, maybe ask StarForDays for a cookie.
We hope you have good ending of the year.


I’ll start my story.
My favourite part of the forums this year is definitely Arcane Log. I enjoy doing Project Pain x50, and I enjoy that other people enjoy my suffering too. Thanks guys. :nod:

For the 5 minutes I was here it was rather 150k min that I like the most or GUESS WHOS HERE

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Vetex replying to one of my topics is probably the biggest highlight I have, not saying that’s a huge feat or moment but just that my other forum experiences have only really been good, very few bad, but all around I think my experience on the forums has been swell.

100/200 hours without magic was another pretty big thing for me but that was less of a forum experience and more of an in-game one.

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I just joined but im looking forward to a great year on the forums!

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I like the positivity! Welcome aboard!

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yay 2022 i cant wait for another 16 viruses to come out of nowhere and then force me to stay home for another year and a half :blush::blush::blush:

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while technically I joined last year in October, but I was mainly an observer, this year I really became part of the community, posting more, making shotty art and being part of a meme. With some minor annoyances like some people (cough suncringe cough) it has mostly been good, i am happy to have joined this forum with all it’s chaos.

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I got macadamia nut, snickerdoodles, chocolate chip, peanut butter, gingerbread, oatmeal raisin, shortbread, and many more. I may not like almonds, but I have some cookies with them too!

Also like @sansue said I’m glad I joined this forum, even with its craziness. It’s amazing how so many people can come together all based upon a Roblox game, but it happened and I’m glad it did. My biggest accomplishment this year was definitely Femtex Can’t wait for Season 3 of 2020!


yep delta-cron ahoy

Does anyone like me here?

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Here’s to (hopefully) a better year!
Lets dance!


You guys kept me entertained, thanks

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i have more friends
(probably) improved in art

good ig

i forget sht literally one second after they happened so i dont really have any stories lol

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I was definitely one of the few who became extremely active this year, I got both Empathetic and Devotee badges.

damn bro at least try to be positive sheesh :skull:


I don’t know. I will assume yes.

i met a lot of really cool people and artists here, which is pretty neat. I’m basically on a hiatus now, but I can’t wait to come back and mess around with you guys more once AO drops.

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