AO Gamepasses

Guys did you catch on the new gamepass items?

W gamepasses
And yes this is old so I suspect this was already posted


yeah these came out a while ago, one gives extra accessory slots (for vanity only) and the other lets your notes last longer before despawning

Time to make my avatar look more drippy

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What was test one gamepass again or was there even one


you couldve gotten about 50 grains of rice with 4 robux wtf :frcryin:

Welp this calls

ive had those for ages

does Vetex actually get any robux/money out of those or does Roblox just take all of them ?

Roblox takes like 30% of the robux

what was the whole point of you doing that

give link

yeah thats why i asked, idk how would roblox even split 1 robux so im assuming they just give it to the dev, cause taking it themselves just sounds really wrong…

then again, this is roblox


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not even a cent

arcane odyssey cat gamepass

you get a cat that wanders around on ur ship

odyssey of thieves

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