AO gang headcanon anyone?

Some silly little Headcanons of iris and Morden

•ate a scroll as a baby(joke)
•accidentally burned her mother as a baby
•father was overprotective of her and homeschooled Iris so she doesn’t have much social skills
•dad keeps a fire extinguisher in every room just in case
•accidentally caused her mother’s death
•is 5’2-5’4 tall
•terrible at cooking, burns almost everything so she has to buy already prepped food
•18 years old
•can’t swim well
•loves spicy food
•If we have the vermillion bracelet and wear it it’s kinda like little friendship bracelets

•had a brother like relationship with Tucker
•fast metabolism, is always hungry
•has a pet rock


Yes, this is very silly of iris


Indeed it is!!!

This song will play at Neviro’s coronation as king AND YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND


MC rarely takes their battles seriously, a spiderman-like quip throwing dumbass or complaining more about the battle than focusing.

Iris accidentally sets things on fire and her temperature rises heavily when she feels extreme emotions, be it happiness, fluster, anger or frustration. So yes, if she was to be kissed by someone, I hope they have good lip balm.

Morden is broke af, has a terrible sense of direction and as tough as he looks, he can’t handle spicy food. If Iris was to find out, she would eat him alive (not literally, I think).

Neviro is an avid boomer jokes enjoyer, he acts serious all the time but secretly likes the silly humor. Even though he’s a good negotiator, he’s horrible at social cues. He’s also pretty
superstitious, he believes in ghosts and curses (Yes, they are real in AO, but you get what I mean).

They at one point tried to play a word game, suggested by Morden.
Neviro refused to play
Iris didn’t understand the explanation
MC is stuck trying to explain it to Iris for the 4th time
Morden gave up in his second turn and stopped the game


Came back to this post, and realized something else/a prediction:
If y’all know “worf effect” (when 1 character is beaten up just to show how strong a new enemy is)
Neviro (and possibly Iris) suffers from this. He 100% will just lose fights.

Also a few new additions:

Thornflowers are soft
Morden and Iris like shiny things (crow moments)
Iris cries herself to sleep/has night terrors (sad moments)
I’m on team nonbinary MC
Morden is a germophobe
Julian (the glass curse guy) is a twink
MC and Morden both have an addiction to insanity 1 potions (cause they both crazy like that)
Iris is disgusted by MC’s cooking and potion making but REALLY wants MC to make her a gem (not for romance, but shiny)
Neviro is the shortest in the gang and has a mild Napoleon complex
Morden’s journal DEFINITELY has more trivial pages that Vetex didn’t write in. The rest of this post are what I believe to be some entries

“I just saw MC somehow cook a colossal squid, great white shark, an entire blue pumpkin, and a purple mushroom inside a cooking pot. How the MC condensed that much meat into one platter is something I must figure out”

“Iris almost caused a forest fire after sneezing. Make sure to stock up on cold medicine as soon as possible.”

“I learned how to whistle today.”

“I don’t know who it is, but someone is snoring obnoxiously loud at camp. Will find out later.”

“I have figured out who has been snoring. It was Neviro. Moving my tent away from Neviro’s from now on.”

“Saw MC grind some glass pearls and clams together and put it into some water. Said “It’ll make me see better!” I think MC has a throat made of metal and a brain made of mushrooms”

“Apparently MC knows how to identify and cut gemstones.”

“MC just slapped a coppershroom onto a gemstone, then shove the gemstone into their shirt and said “it helps me stay energized”. Iris wants one too now”


I think I just had the most out of left field slice of life scenario headcanon I’ve ever had

long story short:
MC x Kenton & Iris x Morden double date with Neviro being an awkward third (or fifth in this case? idk) wheel if he’s single in this situation lol

idk how imagining Neviro being likeliest to be a third wheel came to my mind but it did

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Neviro with revon :ok_hand: problem solved

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That would be an interesting triple date lol

they have vacations at elm island, and fishing contests

MC wins all the time with edward Kenton at a close second.

morden and iris attempt to cook.

neviro watches and smiles slightly

enizor attempts to tan


from how many headcanons I’ve seen about Iris being terrible at cooking I feel like this would be a disaster on her end lol


Maybe it becomes an Ice King kind of situation of “I don’t care what happens to me, as long as I can keep those around me safe”.

Bringing in a few more headcanons here.
MC looks so ridiculous that nobody can tell what their gender is, and they refuse to tell anyone/they forgot.
MC’s name isn’t actually their real name, Morden just made it up on the spot. (possibly because he also forgot their name)
The gang managed to get into the mines by looking busy and carrying clipboards, causing nobody to question them.

Theres an actual good chance the MC’s name isnt their real name, though my interpretation was that the name they were told was what they told Morden before amnesia, but it wasnt their real name or some abreviation of it.

Its possible, considering how MC cant help but draw more attention to themselves, yet somehow no one knew of their name before? Or maybe one of my predictions for their backstory is messing with me, idk

Looking at how the door looks like its been smashed in… kinda looks like someone exploded through the entrance… (cough cough Iris cough)


I have even more headcanons lol

  • based off of someone else’s headcanon: Iris is even worse than MC at stealth (I mean, just look at the part she played in breaking into the Eternal Mines)
  • Neviro is either a Warrior or a Knight
  • MC could theoretically become a medium (considering that they can see and understand ghosts)
  • Enizor is trying to figure out how to find/make the philosopher’s stone (the stuff he says after you do his upgrade quest makes it so obvious lol)
  • MC might have somewhat better resilience against insanity than their crew (they start freaking out even if you’re in the non-Insanity causing range of the Dark Sea)
  • MC’s renown affects the tactics they use to recruit quartermasters, crews, and deckhands in-universe
  • Every single drinkable potion tastes horrible (just look at the stuff you make potions with)
  • MC and Iris have a sibling dynamic
  • Neviro and Iris’s dynamic will still be chaotic even after what happens in Ravenna lol
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Neviro HAS to be a Knight, he’s the only one in the crew that actually uses armor (with the exception of MC), and also surviving an impaling+being exploded into the roof by Calvus. He does mention himself as weak, but could be the damage dealt reduction that vitality gets you.

Also, MC’s insanity resilience most likely has to do with their mental health, as well as Morden’s. They probably experienced far worse things when being experimented on, Morden having a lesser extent of resilience than MC, as he was able to navigate through the Dark Sea to get the Death Curse and from what we’re told in his journal, experience little to no insanity.

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Yep, that’s part of why I leaned more towards seeing him as a Knight, wonder what builds the others in the main cast might be though :thinking:

I had a random thought about what Iris as a Warlock could look like and the image of her decking someone in actual combat completely sent me lol

morden cooks while iris is the fire

Iris would attempt that whether she had a fighting style or not

true, she is the one with the most obvious temper after all