AO gang headcanon anyone?

casually returns with more incorrect quotes stuff based on dynamics/interactions headcanons (again featuring my MC Abigail)

I swear I need to look at the 5 character prompts again because I wanna try to make some with Edward in them too lol


Omg yasss plzzzz

I found these super random ones but I can’t fully put names to them lol (pt. 1 cause it won’t let me upload more than 5 images at a time)

the final one

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My headcanon is that they read the agora and everyone (especially morden) is concerned about MC’s wellbeing.

Also, I feel like morden enjoys birdwatching. Idk, I thought of this when I first reached sailor’s lodge h.

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Depending on MC’s renown whatever’s mentioned with relation to MC probably makes the others either proud of them (good rep) or scared of them (bad rep) lol

For the last one? I 100% can see some of those (especially Iris lol)

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Wondering about some of these though :eyes:

calvus’ middle name is ribeye and you cant convince me otherwise

i wonder since morden has the death curse now if he’s scared of outliving all his friends and having to see them die now, or at least will in the future if he doesn’t die in the story


I have a few

  1. Iris is kinda short (like 5’4), but taller than Revon (About 5’0)

  2. Morden has huge feelings for Iris, but doesnt have the balls to tell her.

  3. In Neviro’s journal he refered to himself as a “Young adult with white hair and armour” the reason his hair is white (and his eyes are red) is because he’s albino.

  4. My thoughts on ages (youngest to oldest)
    MC (18) Morden (18, but a few months older) Iris (19) Nevrio (20) Warren (~200)

  5. Because of Warrens age, he feels to old to hangout with the gang

  6. Iris gets salty whenever Nevrio beats her in chess, though Iris cant play chess to save her life

Neviro never actually uses his spear and just has it as a means of intimidation

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my headcanon for each character’s favorite flowers

Morden - Lily of the valley
Iris - Poppy (could be an iris flower too)
Neviro - Snowdrop
Warren - Dandelion
Edward - Hydrangeas
Enizior - Daisy
Mayor Tilly - Tulips
Shura - Cherry blossoms or peony
Elius - Orchids
Carina - Plumeria
General Argos - Gladiolus
General Julian - Is a bitch and stomps on flowers
Commondre Kai - Water lily
Architect Merlot - Spider lily
King Calvus - Roses
Prince Revon - Marigold or sunflower


OMG EDWARD!!! hydrageas are my favorite flower tooo :flushed::sob::ok_hand::sparkles:


omg that’s perfect AAAAAAAAAAAA

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You know I always hated this guy from the first moment I saw him

like that yee yee ass haircut and the stupid smug face he has makes me want to crawl into the game myself and beat the everloving shit out of him (my spite lets me actually hurt him and bypass the curse effect)

this is so fitting lmfao

What if MC has Forget-Me-Not flowers as their favorite for some stupid irony lol (Kind of planning that to make that an OC’s motif actually)


Yep, fulfilling this promise now, Im updating my headcanon stuff

  • Changing this slightly. Its not that MC is actualy dumb. In fact, they’re pretty smart. Somehow, they’re able to remember things really well and put two and two together (uh, ironic considering… amnesia, but it wasnt a normal one)

    They’re just… very terrible at subtlety and stealth. Like, how many times did this happen?

    1… 2… wait, 3 times? Actually, maybe make it 4.

    1. Failed to be subtle at asking how to break into Fort Talos,
    2. Immediately found when spying on Argos
    3. Got found on the plains by Ravenna despite trying to hide
    4. And then got found by Julian while trying to hide.

    Yeah, no. Dont trust this guy for your stealth missions, their stealth stats goes into the negatives, just use them as bait instead and use Morden as the stealth guy. No trusting them in lying either, they most likely suck at that too lmao

  • Changing this cause we now know his backstory. But I can say that his quiet and cold demeanor was as a result of his experiences with his family

  • Morden’s and Neviro’s relationship are in a really… really weird position? Like, they’re actually very similar in terms of personality, similar enough that it seems like they would get along. Unlike Iris and MC who are more upfront about things, both Morden and Neviro are more reserved but are actually good people deep down, and the two would have to team up if Iris and MC do their own shenanigans and get into trouble.

    However, Morden isn’t really comfortable with Neviro as he feels uncomfortable with how Neviro seems to see right through him, and Neviro feels uneasy around Morden because of the vibe he has due to the Death Curse. So while they are similar… the vibe that the other has kind of both makes them steer away from each other a little bit. (Meanwhile, MC and Iris seems to be besties?)

  • Continuing off of this, yes, Morden is just… emotionally repressed. He now pretty much keeps his feelings to himself as it feels like if he opens up or people are able to through him, it just makes him feel vulnerable. This was the kind of mindset he got due to his past experiences from you know where. This is why Morden feels unconfortable with how Neviro can read him, didnt liked how he had to be carried by Iris, and even told her off not to point out he was basically starving from being asleep for several days straight.

  • Iris didn’t have any friends due to her temperament, so her father is the only one she was ever close to in her life. This is why she was desperate to find him, as he’s all she has. She was taken aback by MC’s comment because she never had a friend before. Now Iris has a friend :slight_smile:

  • Speaking of this, Iris and MC’s friendship here is sort of a mirror to how Morden originally became friends with MC.

  • Morden may have been close friends with MC before, but he actually knows little about MC’s past and vice versa. All he knew was that MC, just like him, has nowhere to go now. Both respected each other’s personal life and didn’t force the other to speak out about it, as both knew it may bring up some not so great memories…

    After they lost their memory, MC had a hunch that even Morden doesn’t know much about their past, which was why they never asked him about it.

  • So even if they lost their memories and dont remember their past with Morden as friends, MC can still see right through him and trusts him.

  • With this stuff in mind, Neviro and Morden are the more rational, quiet guys who are just emotionally stunted due to life experience while MC and Iris are the emotionally-driven one who seems to attract more attention, much to the other two’s dismay. As a result, Morden and Neviro have to work together to keep the other two who are constant troublemakers where one is constantly creating trouble (Iris), while the other somehow has the trouble find them instead (MC). Lmao


the group is a chaotic found family at its finest lol