AO Ideas Trello

like exoskeletons or stingers or something

oh yeah btw is there a link to this trello anywhere?

scroll all the way up

kk thanks

alright fuck it this is my last idea for a while

cheese magic :cheese:
power: 1.0
speed: 0.9
clash: bad
size: average

cheese magic, it’s, cheese.

it’s uh, silly, yeah, but it has a weird effect, if cheese magic hits an opponent that is inflicted with any heat related status effect, the cheese will melt and depending on how much cheese is thrown at the target, the target can become completely unable to move in molten cheese.

this magic is also very supportive in nature, ally NPCs or players can eat this cheese from the floor or the target to gain HP and a minor defense buff

me when i get cheesed by some mf with fire and cheese magic

pretty cheesy

What tier ?

cheese magic is a lost magic

cheese is god tier

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Lost Magic: Prismafluid


Prismafluid is an extremely rare pseudo-liquid heavily sought after. It is said that one drop can form every 200 years. Many believe it is a good omen and that having it can bring them a great fortune, causing even the most wealth of people to go completely bankrupt just to afford enough to put in a small vial. It is said to rapidly crystallize when it comes in contact with any organic material. The most popular rumor surrounding how it is created is when a certain type of rare crystal has never been exposed to sunlight, it will slowly produce fluid, this fluid then drops and seeps into the ground, slowly distilling into prismafluid.


Instant Crystallization - Whenever a target is hit, they will have a chance to be soaked with prismafluid, Every next hit has a 1/7 chance to activate this crystallization. Upon crystallizing, the target will loose all ability to attack, jump, high jump, and run. In exchange they temporarily have all their defenses increased by 35%.

Superreflectant - Whenever it is day, all attacks deal 1.3x more damage. Whenever it is night, all attacks have their speed increased by 1.2x

Prisma Pools - Like acid, the magic leaves behind pools when contact with the ground (will not leave pool if player is touched) is made, upon stepping in these pools, the target’s legs will crystallize for around a second, making them unable to move. As a bonus if the target is soaked from instant crystallization, they will instantly crystallize

1.1x Magic Damage
1.3x Magic Speed
1.2x Magic size
1.1x Terrain Destruction
1.2x structure destruction
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strawberry lemonade

have fun drinking it :smiley: :+1:

sip sip sip sip

@anon82052662, when you have time, please add Dark Matter Magic’s stats to it’s trello card.

How is it any different than speed magic?

less generic sounding name

Im assuming this one hasnt already been added to the trello so imma add it

Phoenix curse user idea

Krysta Rypsani

Krysta is a high noble of another kingdom who was sent to stop the player from progressing to the sea the kingdom is in. Krysta, however, believes that there is a peaceful way to resolve the conflict, and so she attempts to have the player join as a member of the kingdom instead of deciding to stop the player. She only attacks you after you ignore her and try to progress farther.

Path Dialogue

The dialogue she has before the fight.

“I see how powerful you have become, wanderer, and how you have angered my kingdom enough for me to be sent to stop you. I believe that it would be a mistake to kill you. There are better ways to solve this than to fight, don’t you agree?”

“I think you should join our kingdom, and become more powerful with us. You could be much more than some wanderer in these seas, more than a person with power. Just stay here with me, and you can be so much more than what you are right now.”

Dialogue which happens when you walk away from her and towards the arena.

“Where are you going, wanderer? If you go further, I’ll have no other choice but to stop you.”

“Don’t you know what I’m offering you? How much you could become?”

“If you get any farther, they will do worse than I was tasked to do. I am your only hope to staying alive!”

Opening scene to fight
I imagine she would summon wings made of phoenix flames and soar into the arena before the dialogue happens lol.

“It seems I have no other choice but to force you down. You’ve brought this upon yourself, Wanderer.”


Phoenix Curse - This boss wields the power of the Phoenix curse, and is capable of flying.

Attacks - Phoenix Curse

Flaming Upheave
Krysta flies up in the air and goes across the arena, summoning blasts as she goes by.

Blazing Columns
Krysta summons flaming pillars near players, which charge up for a couple seconds before exploding. Similar to the fire pillar attack Theos used in AA.

Phoenix Pulse
Krysta fires many blasts towards people in a curve shape, dealing high damage to people hit by them.

Searing Impact
An impact move that works like a dash impact move when Krysta is on the ground. When she is in the air, she crashes down towards a person, creating a much larger explosion.

Phoenix Downpour
Krysta fires many blasts into the air, which crash down in random places in the arena and create explosions.

Scorch Arrow / Searing Downpour
Krysta fires a fast moving beam which creates a large explosion where it lands. When she’s flying, this move splits into multiple beams that create small blasts on impact with the ground.

Krysta creates a large shockwave of wind and goes up into the air, quickly doing another attack before going back onto the ground.

Phoenix Volley
Krysta goes towards a corner of the arena and summons a shockwave of ash around her with her fighting style, preventing anyone from getting close to her. She then fires blasts into the air and fires many blasts around the arena in an attempt to hit people. She uses this attack halfway into the second phase.

Rising Pollution Fist - This boss wields the upgraded version of the Risen Fist, which she uses in her second phase. She also uses a lot of new lost techniques, which can all be obtained when defeating Krysta.

Attacks - Rising Pollution Fist

Ashen Volley
Krysta launches a volley of punches, creating small clouds of ash and giving anyone who is hit by the punches the Ash Pollution DoT effect.

Pollutive Impact
Krysta uses the Crash skill fighting styles obtain, damaging anyone hit by it and creating a cloud of ash upon impact.

Volcanic Crash
A lost technique Krysta uses where she dashes towards a player and lifts them up into the air. She then punches them towards the ground and crashes into them, creating a cloud of ash when she does so.

Ashen Downpour
Krysta punches the air and creates an attack similar to a beam attack with her ashes. This attack creates a cloud of ash when it hits the ground or a player.

Charring Combo
A lost technique Krysta uses, where she grabs a player and repeatedly kicks them in the chest before grabbing them and pushing them into the ground.

Tainting Leap
A lost technique Krysta uses which is similar to the recoil magic jump idea, where she creates a shockwave of ash on the ground and dashes away from a person.

Contaminative Rush
A lost technique Krysta uses where she flies across the arena with a path of ash following her, going around the arena multiple times and damaging anyone she hits. She uses this attack at the start of the 3rd phase.

Cinder Counter
A lost technique Krysta uses where she counters anyone who tries hitting her with an attack, going towards them and hitting them far away with a punch.

Pollution Upheaval
The ultimate attack she uses in her last phase, where she flies far up into the air and creates a large phoenix blast. When this blast hits the arena, she then crashes down and creates a large explosion of phoenix flames and pollution.

Phases (only if it has phases)

Phase 1 (Full health)
Krysta uses only some of the attacks she has for her phoenix curse in this phase she usually is in the air during this phase.

Phase 2 (3/4 health)
Krysta folds her wings in and starts to use her fighting style more. In the middle of this phase, she goes to a corner and uses her Phoenix Volley attack.

Phase 3 (1/2 health)
At the start of this phase, she goes to the center and creates a field of phoenix fire before using her Contaminative Rush attack. She starts using her phoenix attacks after her fighting style a lot.

Phase 4 - Desperation (1/4 health)
When this phase starts, she uses her ultimate move called Pollution Upheaval, going up into the air and creating a large blast of phoenix magic that crashes in the middle of the arena. She then crashes down into the middle of the arena, creating a large shockwave of ash and phoenix flames. After this attack, she starts using her fighting style attacks rapidly.


Phase 1 start
“I can’t let you go any further wanderer. Go back or die.”

Phase 2 start
“Why are you being so stubborn? There is no better outcome just go back!”

Middle of phase 2
“What outcome do you want from this? If you go any further, my kingdom will do worse to you than I am doing.”

Phase 3 start
“Is your need for power worth this trouble, wanderer? Is it necessary to cause so much to my kingdom?”

Phase 4 - ult
“This is all your fault! Your journey ends here, wanderer!”

Phase 4 - after ult
“I curse you for all you’ve done to us. You are so blind, so arrogant to what you are actually doing.”

“This will eat you up inside for the rest of your days, wanderer. I hope you are proud for what my kingdom is going to do to you.”


1/7 chance of a drop (armor and techniques)
Ashen Robes armor
Ashen Robes legs
Ashen Hood
Burning Wings (accessory that lets you have wings on your back made of your magic)

Lost Techniques dropped

Uppercut + Slam
A lost technique where the player dashes towards another player and lifts them up into the air. they then punch them towards the ground and crash into them, creating a shockwave upon impact.

Barrage Combo
A lost technique where you grab a player and repeatedly kick or punch them in the chest before pushing them into the ground.

Recoil Dash
A lost technique which is similar to the recoil magic jump idea, you create a shockwave of wind on the ground and dash away from a person.

A lost technique where you run towards people with a trail of wind following you which changes based on your fighting style. You can run around an area and hit people multiple times using this technique.

A lost technique where the player counters anyone who tries hitting them with an attack, leaping towards them and hitting them far away with a punch when hit.

Main inspiration

This boss takes a little bit of inspiration from The Song from Furi, but has a lot changed about it.

(also this guy sucks at fighting The Song in the vid lmaoooo)

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