AO Ideas Trello

Having 3 slaves helpers on this Trello helps alot

might think of another one soon… maybe…

The trello allready has 241 ideas :fr:

That’s … alot

ayo @anon82052662 you mind if i add a section (and some labels) for misc enemy ideas (I.E: Sea creatures, bandit groups, pirate groups, etc.)


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Exploding Fist

Tier 1
Name: Exploding Fist
Rarity: Lost
Description: The user does attacks fast enough to generate enough friction to visually looking like the users punches and kicks are explosions. The drawback to this is the explosions damage everything including the user and their allies. This fighting style also requires the user to be durable enough to withstand the explosions their attacks do.


Now that Reminders for AO is being closely watched by mods, this is now officialy he fastest growing topic

Not sure if I should be happy or cry about the horror I created

now imagine if you didn’t have helpers :upside_down_face:

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Change the description to
The user punches at the sound of sound creating sonic booms doing high damage and generating a huge amount of knockback

Base fighting style idea:
Kamikaze fist cutting wind cloak.
The user Cloaks himself in a sheet of wind causing side dashes and movement speed to increase 2.35x the user only does less damage than the base fighting style because kamikaze fist cutting wind cloak doesnt really have any attack buffs.


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Sailor fist revamp
salior fist is just a little bit to much like thermo fist rapidly punching the air it can be a little more original.

To use salior fist the user must keep their water bar over 75 percent and instead of this water giving them hunger it stays on the outer layers of their skin at lower levels this water skin would not last that long maybe like 10 seconds and the water increases the users damage resistance and gives the soaked status effect. also you swim faster

Tier 1- salior fist- 7 second duration 5 percent damage resistance 8 percent bonus damage
Tier 2 -12 second duration 5 percent damage resistance 10 percent bonus damage
Tier 3-15 second duration 8 percent damage resistance 12 percent bonus damage
Tier 4- 17 second duration 10 percent damage resistance 15 percent bonus damage
Tier 5-20 second duration 15 percent damage resistance 15 percent bonus damage

Sailor fist and thermo fist have entirely different mechanics wym??

Looked over them your right I just thinkn sailor fist could be a little more than fast punches and unpredictable animations which after a while they will be predictable :dotted_line_face:

Sailor fist isn’t really entirely fast punches either

It’s more like unpredictable/random

It’s more like the drunken fist you’d get in second sea in AA but less rum