AO Ideas Trello

Weapon concept:
Legendary katana
“An extremely long katana once wielded by the bringer if extinction, said to be capable of slashing through anything.”

Q - The blade of death: The user grabs the opponent to slash a limb off, dealing high damage.

E - The bringer’s might: The user slashes the air to create 10 beams aimed at the cursor, each dealing medium damage.

R - Cutting annihilation: the user slashes around them 5 times, each dealing moderate damage to everyone around them.

F - Fatal flurry: The user grabs an opponent for a series of 25 slashes, each dealing low-moderate damage each.

X - Slash of extinction: the user jumps into the air and performs an extremely large slash, heavily damaging anyone caught by it.

Ancient Axe of Eternal Frost

Description: A ancient arcanium axe infused with the Frost curse with runes engraved on the handle to the blade. It was forged to rival against a hammer capable of levelling entire mountains.
Rarity: Legendary
Level Range: 400 - Max
Glacial Permafrost - The user hits axe onto the ground, creating a large sheet of ice with spikes freezing any enemy who was hit by it.

Grip of Ravaging Blizzards: Throw the axe at the enemy, when it is contact, make a blizzard spinning the enemy around before they freeze.

Ultimate Art: Curse of Eternal Frost - Do a very heavy cleave slashing any limb off and adding the frostbite status effect.



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finally finished it

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Dark Determination

Ancient Technique
Push yourself through the darkest times
Allows the player to increase their health regen, weapon or fighting style damage and stamina regeneration.
Ancient Technique for Weapons, Strength and Magic users

Usage: When player is lower then 20% of their health, you can choose to activate this technique.

Animation: The player will fall down onto their knees from exhaustion, then an aura will show and the player’s eyes will start to glow and say a set dialogue “I won’t go down that easily!”
iframes during the animation
NPCs will have a shocked face and won’t attack during the animation.
Health cap would 55% or something.




I am aloud to be stupid ok ?


Ancient Hammer of Revolving Storms

Description: A ancient arcanium hammer infused with the Lightning curse with runes engraved on the head. It was once wielded by a legendary warrior who could level entire mountains and kill giants tall as the clouds.
Rarity: Legendary
Level Range: 400 - Max

Revolving Throw - The user throws the hammer at the enemy causing them to be paralyzed and throw lightning around them.

Catastrophic Strike - Strike the ground, making a large crater releasing lighting everywhere and also sending down a bolt of lighting at your enemy.

Ultimate Art: Storm Rush - Swing the hammer to your hip, then run at your enemy before striking their chest blowing them away with lightning particles.

note: last 3 legendary weapons were inspired by god of war and thor! now time to move onto a spell i had on my mind



I can maybe get the famous link badge with this topic lmao :poggers2: , even tho people are mean, 1.4k replies and 7 Likes only :frcryin:

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Nobody is making weapon skin ideas so should we just archive the list and it’s labels or no?

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yeah for now arhive them

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Jojos bizzare odyssey


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I think I’ll make a private thread for discussions, like if a tag should be added /took off, new lists, ect … to not flood this too much

I just need to find out how to do it