AO Ideas Trello

jokes aside, probably only the animal arts gamepass and the variants are valid then

why can’t they just be more magic customization options without having to pay for them bruh

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cause they’re extra and don’t effect gameplay at all. And I don’t see vetex going out of his way to spend a bunch of time making new variants without some kind of return. And the variants would be worth paying for like rainbow crystal or intense fire (fire would turn blue when charged) they would be unique variants that would actually stand out.

same with the animal gamepass. He would have to model different animals and make sure they look good with every magic bruh. It would make a good gamepass

there’s no reason why he’d make them gamepasses and as for variants every idea for variants has basically been tried and so there likely won’t be more

and why would he lock variations behind a gamepass if we aren’t sure we’ll be able to change variations

cause theyre dynamic variants bro. Whereas every variant in game is just a different color, these would be either multiple colors or interact in a unique way in game. Or a gamepass that lets you have two different variants at once

That’s a cool idea, but again, why would you have to pay for that?

Magic Circle Packs
Possibly buyable magic circle designs for small amounts of Robux.

Aura Gamepass
Causes the last magic you had selected to display its charging effects alongside your first magic’s.

these are planned gamepass that already on the trello. So it’s not really a radical idea. Besides they’d be like 25-50 robux at most, less than a dollar.

weird gamepass decisions then

We’ll here’s a better question:

why would they all be separate gamepasses?

I could see him bunching all of the ideas with the magic circle packs and turn it into magic customizations gamepass

Animals in general, like bugs, fireflies and deer roaming around


good idea ngl
bugs and fireflies can add good aesthetic but deer might be a problem or just an excuse to add more food ingredients


I think larger animals isn’t good for small islands so I think the only places that would have animals such as deer would have to be places such as Ravenna that are huge

I beg you tell methis doesn’t affect hit boxes

why would a cosmetic gamepass affect hitboxes…

You want to add the ideas or no?


marmite in AO as a cooking ingredient found in the dark sea

eat food that used it and you instantly fucking die

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With stuff like weapons and fighting styles I have to move stuff around from the original description to fit the template. Sometimes I also fix the grammar like making sure there aren’t run-on sentences. Most of the time, however, I do just copy and paste the descriptions.

I’m fairly certain that modern keyboards and computers have been invented yet. I don’t think that even typewriters haven’t been invented.

What are the stats of thing magic, and what tier is it?

All in all funny joke though.

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You might wanna put a little more effort if you want this on the trello :troller: