AO inventory thread

Post shit about your inventory, a full pic of it, its value, maybe specific categories?

Unstacked magius relics…

i have ( last time i check ) 23k+ items

i may have spent a little too much time looting chests in WoM during the Great Silence

damn nice

on all my files I had a magius relic I still have at least 1. On my warrior I have ~20 after selling some for a ketch.

I had nearly all boss gear with nearly all enchants, and now they dont stack :sob:

i just dont have boss gears ( i cant fcking farm calvus cause that fcker spike my ping ) :sunglasses:

go farm carina.

I had every boss gear with every enchant. (including clean)

i dont need attack speed, i want size and speed

calvus is the only set that gives both of those.

yes… that why i mentioned him

My boss drop thread

Should I do it again for AO?

I own a few torches


You can buy those at a set location

it was before AO

@Misinput show them your maid inventory

always accepting donations :3

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