AO leaks of 7/7/2022

HAHAHAHAHA I made you say it instinctively

thanks but idrc :nod:

i do


Maybe he is a cojurer with magic weapons, if thats the case I will consider switching to conjurer stat instead

Eye spy a little Cursebane hidden behind that lance there :eyes:


I FUCKIN’ love cursebane brooo :weary:

:cold_sweat:🫥 :frowning_face:

can we get his weapon though, thats the real question

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I hope we can get the lance and spear/polearm/greathammer/whatever that long weapon is. One of his weapons, the sheathed sword, has been confirmed to be unobtainable though.

Also, welcome to the forums :clap:

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@ThatOneGuy. not the sword that is not in his hand

Am i the only one that finds it weird hes using 2 weapons at once

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He’s just built different, no wonder it took over 2 weeks to make

I mean he is a boss

Nah im saying what if weapons drop like that for some bosses essentially allowing you to dual wield

He got that gyat lowkey

Like dual wielding two different weapon types or normal dual wielding since the sky boss gives dual scimtars, if you mean dual wielding weapon types I doubt it since it would be hard to put it in a category like heavy blunt, heavy bladed, etc

Originally I said i was going too, but heres the thing. Who farms for shit when you can trade :person_shrugging: