AO leaks of 7/7/2022

I just noticed that the stack of 3 crates closest to the boss are floating. Strange.

The crates under them were probably destroyed and haven’t regenerated yet. Since crates is static the ones on top stayed in place instead of having physics

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yall think his second weapon is a staff or hammer or axe

Either spear or hammer imo

probably either a blunt or cutting weapon, like a hammer or halberd


looks fire but why is the sword stuck in the ground


I think dying sticks one of your weapons in the ground, I saw an image of a dead spear user with their weapon like that

ah ty

because haha you drop sowrd


lmao hi

@frezatell twins

i did not realize this topic was old

thats what i was thinking also lmao

omg is that statue from wom now alive? maybe i Should start running!

Running ?

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