AO magic tier list appearance-wise?

from what you’ve seen in leaks

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ice, snow, water are top

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Fire and magma for me

Plasma had a pretty big glowup

magma and ice got the best visual improvements imo from WoM, before they looked garbage but now ice actually looks like ice and magma actually looks like magma

(anyone has snow leaks? :eyes:)

And you don’t get it :innocent:

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no, i just have faith it looks good

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not even in DMs?

why are you so mid

Oh wait it was your birthday recently

yeah wth

can I please have a pass

In 7 hours when I get home



yes this is a clear sentence

In order from best to worst in each row (ex: Plasma to Lightning is best to worst and so on)

I don’t think any of the magics look bad tho (Wood is just strange so it gets to have its own category)

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I’m going to go with explosion magic so I’m happy it looks really nice

@ThatOneGuy Nobody pinged him?

But sadly we’ve only saw a glimpse of it, and it was probably the pillar move
better then this, i guess

Patreons have seem the entire thing showcased

Not one sadly.