AO ship leak again

Did you have permission? I’m kinda confused

No I just decided I want to lose tester and purposely leaked it knowing I’d get released /s

I had permission I’m not trying to start another dablue incident

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…but why though you could’ve just downgrade from tester to friend rank or smth

You’re not wrong tho

dablue incident?
may i be informed please

I honestly think it’d be cool that if setting a ship on fire was a real thing the Fire would deal DoT like common you’re getting burned but then again you could just jump in the water to get rid of it but the ship would still take the DoT dmg

he leaked the bronze grasslands region while it was still being built and he lost his tester & mod role until the update released

thank god we all have trustworthy testers now

nah dablue is trustworthy too but the leak was probably accidental that couldnt be reversed

well rip
hopefully it was an accident tho

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Ships can still get statuses and burn in that way but they can’t burn from material interactions or gain any other material interactions like Shadow withering stuff. So you can set ships on fire, just not your own and just not the whole thing like in the gifs.

What fire magic does to a mf

Now how can we take this a step further? Maybe we could flood the interior with magma before ramming into another boat? Or perhaps we could freeze the front of the boat before impact…

when the fire user touches the ship

Fire Magic users are going to terroize the oceans



That’s some

you could say
it really went IN SOME DIRECTION

that’s tuff

Droplets get deleted by boats

Welp, there goes that idea.