AO Shower Thoughts

And he’s the god of foresight. Mabye he predicted that a curse user (in this case, Durza) would eventually defeat Arthur.

aurthur solos durza

Realistically, if Durza hadn’t gathered an undead army with two gods, AA wouldn’t have even happened.

It’s quite all right, I feel I was being petty by “correcting” you when there was really no need for correction.
Hope you have a great day!

One small problem.
He created 5 uber powerful curses capable of making anyone a top 10 in the verse and made them SPECIFICALLY to kill Arthur

Why make the grandfires if he knows some magicless fraud is gonna kill Arthur one day (after also desecrating 3 gods and making them his slaves)

Okay, judging by the amount of responses to this threat, the forum’s most frequent bathers includes Dubious, Bronze, Licha, Manflannel, Darkshadow, MrYes, and Sock.

Interestingly, Vetex hasn’t replied to this thread at all, does this mean he doesn’t bathe?

In this topic, he claims to have come up with AO while in the shower.

So the entire concept of AO is a showerthought?

I have developed quite an interesting name for myself.
I may need to think of something different.
I’ll take an extra long shower tomorrow.

I’ve done it.
Call me Klav.

Anyways, if AO’s timeline split off from ours at around 100 AD, and the Greek gods are real, then that means that the Roman gods are also real.
Where’s Janus at?

the greek gods and roman gods are both real cause theyre the same guys with different names

Not necessarily. Janus, the Roman god of doorways, decisions, etc. is nowhere to be found in Greek mythology.

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Yeah because the god of doorways holds a really important role for ao

He is also the god of black and white decisions, such as whether to spare or to kill.

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holy shit is that a reference to ao

No, it’s a reference to Undertale

Magic did exist IRL. it was just erased from history due to it being abused

bro thinks were using the song :skull:

admin abuse irl

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