AO suddenly becomes real. Now what?

let’s be honest here

most people on this forum ( including me ) would probably die of some bullsh*t reasons like food/water poisoning lmao :skull:

Personally, I would definitely trip on a rock and fall into the ocean right on top of a megalodon.


eat the magic :hungry:


i instantly perish

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could poison magic make you immune to poisons and diseases?

idk could it :person_shrugging:

it would be very useful in a post apocalyptic scenario like this. Or if it could also disinfect water then you’d be the life line of any team and a comodity they’d hae to keep alive.

die. If I, or anyone else ever go into combat, without even knowing how to use magic since having never really used it, we’ll die to people who are adept in magic, which is the majority of the arcane universe

speedrun becoming the strongest thing imaginable so anyone else who becomes world ending I can fight

throw giant metal balls everywhere :smile_cat:

I would get powerful and do good stuff I guess.

Nah, if you thought snakes and other Australian animals were bad, imagine them magic-ified. Can’t wait to be crushed by a giant snake that somehow became a dragon due to magic
Such a collision would definitely cause some magic mess that I’d have to deal with

I would note the limitations of light magic and practise it to mastery. Maybe create arcanium

i do a fucking blackbeard one piece move
join the strongest crew ever
get the curse
train magics to the fullest
make my own curse weapon
travel the world
make a fucking rocket that can go to other worlds and spread magic like prometheus (trust me i will not destroy countless civilizations because of magic)

You make it sound like it would be hard to fight them. Likely yes, but I’m not there to fight, I’m there to live and running is a very valid option. Bigger they are the more likely chance they can’t cram themselves in a tiny space.

I die. That’s all

Fair enough

If you are willing to, they could be good magic practise as well

yep practice magic while hiding in a hole.
Goal: scare it off


obtain curse and jump in the ocean