AO's competition upon release

deepwoken more like cringewoken

tbh I’ve lost all my trust in those devs after playing RL

Also my game called World of DoubleRun

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have you seen the new deepwoken videos? they show off updated pvp and a cool ass job involving saving hostages

the bronze sea is probably going to be comparable or bigger than the size of the first 3 seas in terms of land area considering the islands will be significantly larger

significantly bigger islands?

might wanna quote where because the link just shows tech posting a smily emoji

now its the actual post but i dont see anything about big ass islands

idec but if the game revolves around pvp (like most of their other games like RL and TftV) and has some cringe ass permadeath I aint buying it.

it might be visually impressive like RL but if the gameplay is ass then the game is ass.

if you wipe fairly and progression is fun permadeath shouldn’t be an issue. it aint just pvp as theres still stuff like pve you can do, but you can still pvp freely

also side note just because they made something average at best in the past, doesn’t mean they can’t learn from it. they taking player feedback and putting it to dw

What the fuck???

we do a little trolling

oh right

the sizes he was “pretty much” going off of

by permafrost he means crystal archipelago

my issue is the wilderness part tbh. main islands will be fine but seeing mostly small wilderness islands boutta be disappointing for me. especially the very tiny ones, those are just tiny

So while we were waiting for TGR like a few months ago we made a salvatore guild in AR. We got to average despite being awful at pvp there and I fought this guy and he just insulted me nonstop. I asked “Do you have any tips?” and he says “Disconnect from the game.” And I remember his username so if he hops over to AO I’m going to rk him nonstop for the funnies.

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tip: dont take things personally

I ignore most things but this was different.

doesn’t sound like any different. you can block him and move on with your day. wanting to kill him aint gonna do much

I mean, that’s like 80% of AR players, if you see them in game in AO at some point then you can kill them but seeing how most AR players are like, they wouldn’t last long in AO

Wouldn’t be surprised if AR players quit IF combat doesn’t meet their expectations. So far I don’t think they would enjoy it, including people like me who wants the pace of combat way faster.


I agree, I just want to be able to mix my weaponry, fighting style and whatnot with my magic attacks and not just solely relying on magic. AR’s PvP is is too plain imo and WoM’s is just too slow paced as well, not to mention the lack of creativity during combat. Your combat suggestions from a few months back were actually pretty good and I hope at least some of them are implemented in some way or form