AO's PvP Problems (And How to Resolve Them)

I mean, do you even try to learn how to fight back? I doubt it. Learning basic combat knowledge, even if you don’t want to fight, can help you even for running away.

This is a good idea, though. I think PVP past level 50 should still be around for party PVP.
For example if you’re LVL 50 and a LVL 125 attacks you without being in your party with FF on, they can’t dmg you, but if it is they can(so lower lvls can still practice PVP)

Notoriety is a mistake no matter what anyone says. There should at least be a fair price to reset notoriety, like 500 galleons max. I don’t recommend being a bad reputation player if you refuse to learn how to kick back.

AO is a PVE based PVP game. There are PVP aspects, but you shouldn’t be forced to PVP for in game things, like deckhands. Deckhands and renown shouldn’t go together(fame is meant to be for PVPers anyway). Instead, Deckhands should go hand in hand with the “feats” system that is currently useless.

For starters, treasure charts are almost TOO easy to obtain. Even rare ones are very easy, as all you need to consistently get them is a rival(another easy method)
There is a reason to lose money when you die, it’s because you probably shouldn’t even have that much money on you in the first place(and it’s supposed to reward players that defeated you, but this is bad anyway because what if you get teamed on?). I wish banks were around, but oh well.

And for the last one, you could just fight back. And when I say fight, I don’t mean you have to be all chivalrous like I am and never run, you can play in the most downright disgusting, goofy, devious, DUBIOUS playstyle and honestly the enemy would probably just leave you alone.

If they don’t, oh well.

Ngl imo this is a W change. Also, the dashing stamina cost applies to all players.

PVP is an endgame thing. Yeah sure, the game starts off as an adventure story, but once you reach max level, PVP becomes the main thing. Do you know how much of a blast it is to participate in wars? Even FFA PVP sessions are amazing( @Dibs)! But you’re a pacifist player who’d rather fish for hours instead of learning how to fight back, so in your opinion that would probably sound like hell.

Again, in the end, PVP will always be right there. AO isn’t some sort of auto generated thing. Eventually things that you can explore will run out, and everyone will be trying to make it to th leaderboards.

Exactly. Bounty Hunting is honestly, the worst way to gain reputation and that’s coming from a guy that has caught 700 fish(across all files) in a span of maybe 3 years of playing WoM and AO. It’d be better to just go and farm your rival or something, but most players bounty hunt for the fun of it.

Problem is, the GN navy ships don’t actually stop coming after you. It’d be cool if they only sent like 1 ketch after you every day, that makes sense, but they send ketch after ketch instead.

The jail time thing is also pretty annoying. I think it would be cool if we had something to do in the 10 minutes of jail time, maybe some sort of minigame with other prisoners?

FyI that was super light, basically just always what me and my friends (or randoms) do everytime we do munera sessions, occasionally super fucking hectic 4v4s out of nowhere happen and the chaos is fun as fuck

uhhh idrc about the actual topic pvp bad boohoo


I’d probably attend more, but I’m not EUW so ig I’m an L

That sucks cuz from what I can tell USW is a pretty organized region like bro I have never seen 1 clip in a USW munera session where random idiots were fighting in the background, EUW you would never not have a ringside fight of 3 actual dumbasses fighting for no reason

IKR, it’s like USW is the Canada of all AO regions

Pussios honestly, USW kinda like those videos of the very organized and quiet white churches and EUW are the videos of those crazy wacky African churches

anywho i dont wanna derail this topic any further

Nah derail it this shits just an argument that’s been had 8858584848485 times now

bubububut I gotta be on my forum golden boy shit so that I have a chance of verified trader :sob: :sob: (meta is never going to give anyone verified trader [confirmed])

Enzo or and Kenton are NOT deckhands


honestly I wouldn’t mind bounty hunters and random pvp encounters in this game if the pvp was fun or even good.

I’m gonna be real, the pvp in this game is a slog and I can’t support ANYTHING being behind it.
It looks so fast but it feels so slow.
Landing a hit feels like blind luck and getting hit feels like bullshit 100% of the time.

Even fighting players at my skill level with an identical build is barely an improvement.

Clearly, you aren’t using attack speed :melting_face:

i agree, the ketch spam feels more overwhelming than it’s probably meant to be. Maybe it’s supposed to be like that idk, but at least it’d be nice if the marines didn’t swim across the entire ocean with their infinite stamina to hunt you down even after you get them off the ship

what about just not having jail.
there is 0 gameplay reason for it to exist.

I challenge anybody to give a genuine reason why players should be locked up for 10 minutes every death.

don’t they occupy the same type of slot as deckhands

No, they don’t.
They take up quartermaster slots.

the fact that so few people know how deckhands work to begin with only goes to show how much of a problem this is.

alright, doesn’t change much tbh since deckhands aint that good

A ketch can have 4 of them and once you meet the obnoxious requirements they’re free.
Those stats add up.