Ap.Bringer and Chaos [Theory]

So its “confirmed” chaos visuals, huh?

Let him cook

so if being evil makes you a stronger mage then does that mean us hero rep mages are inherently weaker?

aw well, at least wardens are probably meant to be good rep builds.

Actually, after some thinking, being an evil mage probably just means that more doors are open for you

like you can use death magic or unstable things and not care for morals.

then again, there’s probably a cost to this, unstable has heavy emphasis.

and being a good mage isn’t inherently a weakness either

I think I’ll stay away from the forbidden stuff, thanks.

Sand WILL survive the odyssey.

(with the help of lightning and possibly explosion)

anyways even if you have forbidden junk and whatnot, all that really matters is skill.

and if you’re an evil mage who can’t aim for SHIT up against a pro gamer god hero mage with 10k+ player kills… gg.

I don’t know if this has been brought up before, but I remember doing story at sailors lodge and there was like a wizard NPC there,

Basically, he talked about how he was looking for lost magic shit, and he mentioned smt about a “dark side”

(can someone find this npc and fact check)

I dont know if he meant it like a comparison or if there’s actually like a good and dark side to magic, like Star Wars or something

But it is something worth thinking about



Good theory but the Wrath of Gods is probably just the Durza boom and isn’t linked to Akursius keep.
The lore doc states that AO takes place 1 month after AA, but Neviro has been hiding for years. So Akursius Keep’s destruction IS related to Chaos, but isn’t the Wrath of Gods.

(Also I love the fact that my topic about the Death Curse “allowed” people to confirm some other theories)

This was also confirmed on trello btw.


Akurisus was once a Winterville outpost. Nero Caesar nuked it, then Ravenna built on it. Due to Nero’s power, there was a lot of magic pollution in there, and Chaos got naturaly attracted to it, nuking it again.

Didn’t Akursius use to be Winterveil, and then Akursius Keep was built on top of it by Ravenna after the extermination?

This is exactly what happened

Chaos is attract by evil acts/thoughts, so I think it’s because of the genocide if it destroyed Akursius.
Also, I think there’s an NPC (in the eternal mines?) stating that Akursius was the main island of Winterveil, but Nero’s attack almost destroyed it completely

Chaos, and varying amounts of it are spread all throughout the universe. This energy is somewhat sentient, can be manifested through evil thoughts, and is heavily attracted to pure evil beings. The power and reach of Chaos is ever expanding, much like dark matter in our own universe. Chaos cannot be directly controlled. (I copied this from the lore document since my freaking screenshot app isn’t working)

that is a good way to describe vetex’s custom magic ngl

Vetex’s Custom Magic Discussion

Vetex is physical vessel for chaos confirmed

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Let the new tides come.
And let the winds of change form from the chaos.

It’s time for truly an Arcane Odyssey.

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