Apotheosis, Theos old staff and now is the Peacekeeper staff

Imma be honest I skipped through everything after reading that one line

might be a storyline quest to retrieve the staff (from peacekeeper)

Why tf would someone steal the staff from the Peacekeeper, you got to be fucking suicidal to do that shit

who knows? some people are crazy

how would you find pk in the first place and isn’t apotheosis sentient couldn’t it just wack you or straight up burn you for trying to steal it or smth ;-;

It could straight up pull a holographic Theos to fucking beat you to death

Theres prolly gonna be some gay ass shit about how the Peacekeeper lost apotheosis when he fought Durza or something.

lmao, Apotheosis is actually on his way back to the Peacekeeper to fucking smack PK in the head

wait the crazy wizards was aslo resurrected by Durza ? i thought he just made normal wizards go crazy or smt

Idk that’s what I understood from Theos’ first dialog, he says something about you and all the crazy wizards being resurected, but the others went crazy from that or something like that
I read that years ago, don’t quote me on that.