Apotheosis, Theos old staff and now is the Peacekeeper staff

Okay, y’all know the staff that the mother fucker named Theos used right?

Now, you ever imagine that shit in the WoM universe? Like Theos was strong back in AA, like mega fucking strong. That staff is probably older than the Peacekeeper ( Of course it’s older than the PK )

Since after Theos death, losing blood after the fuck ton blast going right, left, up, and down against Undead Prometheus. Shit wack so he died but won but still dead.

Anyway, after PK took possession of Apotheosis, how strong is it? Like, could the PK make a big ass forcefield that covers the entire Magius or gives him the biggest power boost in AA/WoM history?

Just think this as a post about Theos staff and how strong it is.

I think it’s pretty strong since Theos was the strongest augmented magic user at the time I think.

According to PK lore it said that the ashes were left in the sea to collect magic energy until durza accidentally revived said ashes. Combined with the fact that magic weapons can collect user’s magical energy and curse energy (Legendary Sword of Morocks Fire, Ice bow, and some others as well as lore in trello about arcanium). This means that apotheosis is way beyond legendary weapon. Collecting natural magic energy from the atmosphere AND from PK this shit is fucking no no.

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It’s basically with the big boys tier of weapons

Forgot to mention that hundreds of years make a magic weapon exalted. We first see Theos mentioned at Y1046 and it is currently Y2985+. I think you can guess how overpowered that fuckfest became overtime.

Mhm, just like how Freedrock sword or known as Durandal became a god damn god tier weapon

Nah the peacekeeper was born in year 1100 then he was turned to ashes by durza and theos clashing.At that time i highly doubt theos had his staff.The player awoke in year 1800 and chance made it that he was able to use a magic bc the amount of magic pollution after durzas and theoses clash during which time durza tried to do a spell in the first sea,did it wrong and created the player

Also weapons become more powerful if their user is equally powerful.So yeah i would imagine that if the peacekeeper was still alive he would be using it from time to time



The staff returned in AA if you ever played the game, and PK most likely has his staff :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

I mean, the Peacekeeper was just a random civilian/maybe wizard who died at some point and was resurrected by Durza along with the crazy wizards of the spawn island in AA, so we can’t really say for sure that the staff is older than whoever the Peacekeeper was before being resurrected if we don’t know when he died

wait why did I write an entire paragraph on a dumb detail

Why tf would PK make his own staff when Apotheosis exist. That shit can be a fucking sword if Theos wanted to use it like a sword, hell, he’ll even use it as a gun

Okay, I’m gonna use the Webcomic source. So, you know how AA year was like 1854 and Theos is like 986. So… he was born in Y868, him and Durza first fought each other in the year 1046, so Theos would be around his 100’s and 200’s.

Then there’s us, the fucking player or Peacekeeper that died in Theos and Durza clash in Y1051 and we were some random fucking peasant.

So, this would probably mean, Theos made his staff around Y880-990

What if we died from a random cause before that tho, are we sure we really died from the clash? Btw I know nothing about the lore, I’m just saying things.

lmao, we died from ebola

no he died, it says “The Player” (in Arcane Adventures) was living during this time period as a peasant without magic, and was destroyed by the blast

idk what do you mean by it says but you definitely sound smarter than me so ok.

no i can smell big brain energy and you have big brain, and by it i meant the lore

that is literally what i said myself