Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

oh may we please have a hint for the next animation great one

basically this image:


the faces in the corner of the room I be seeing when I wake up in a cold sweat at 2 am:

me sleeping peacefully in my brig when I see the sleep paralysis atlantean out of the corner of my eye

Mr_Mxyzptlk garnished the dish
Will be serving soon


“Man arrested by the Grand Atlantean (infected grand navy) after preforming 7 successful surgeries without a medical degree.”
-The Abyss Sea times

since atlanteans hang around on akursius keep, how would the ghosts on it react? how would rackham react?

I doubt the Rackham and the rest of the ghosts would really care, seeing as they don’t react much when we go there.

Since it’s a big island with lots of towns probably not, I think all the survivors would be hiding out in the desert wilderness if they don’t starve to death

Hi I totally am not going to procrastinate on writing more whether that’s wholesome chapter or killing (or dying to) the Leviathan.

hear me out, desert sandworm atlanteans

they hide in the sand, waiting for someone unfortunate to get into the vicinity. Once they are in range, it awakens from its slumber and starts to hunt the victim down by swimming in sand. There are indeed some fishes that can survive with little water so it works

atlanteans usually grow marine life mutations because they live in the sea, cuz they gotta adapt. so if some guy gets infected in the desert… welppp

omg I love it

“Dude we are all out of food, im at 20 hunger.”
“Alright bro let me just whip out my fishing rod.”
“Wait but we are in a desert-“
“Aha! Caught an Atlantean!”
“Wait what-“
[Player] and [Player] has been assimilated

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blasted rock is not so barren anymore :sob::sob:

Some ideas

Sea Atlanteans

Your casual atlantean. They’ve been adapting to the sea, therefore growing marine-like organs or limbs to survive the waters.

Forest Atlanteans

Atlanteans that adapt to the greenish environment undergo some minor changes. Mantis jaws, beetle pincers, venomous blood, essentially they will inhibit more bug like features once they get used to their surroundings. They can also survive longer out of water since they have adapted to need less water.

Desert Atlanteans

Atlanteans that adapt to the sandy environment will go through some major changes. They will have defining traits like a scorpion tail, lizard scales, and can even drop a leg or an arm so it regrows later on. They go into this hibernation like state to conserve moisture in their skin. Once they feel vibrations, they will awaken and start to circle around the vicinity, creating a miniature quick sand. Once their prey starts sinking, they go in for the kill.

Volcano Atlanteans

Only a couple of these are present since there aren’t really any volcanoes present in the war seas. Scales hard as rock, blood that boils just like magma, hell some of them can even SWIM in lava as fine as water. They disguise themselves as clumps of rocks by decreasing the temperature in their bodies, waiting for a passerby to curiously approach them only to be melted into a pile of ash.

Cave Atlanteans

Real horrors of the sea. Most develop claws to dig through stone just like dirt or hang on the ceiling of the cave waiting for their prey, some develop ear-screeching screams and extremely good hearing to echolocate through the cave, while others grow gemstone geodes on their back to disguise and attract unsuspecting miners.

Amalgamate Atlanteans

When people mean atlanteans die, they consciously die. Most atlanteans are usually paralyzed after they engage in combat. If they’re lucky, a wave will sweep them down to the bottom of the ocean. If the conditions are right, these corpses will merge into each other, creating a new mind to control this amalgamation. The largest amalgamate recorded is a sea serpent with an estimate 10,000 atlantean corpses merged into one.

time to go back to writing fight scene yippeee!!!

atlantean ideas :fire:

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big monster fan

would design/make creatures that will force you to turn on your night light

ight back to waiting for silly fight scene


this month has been the most fun ive had in an online community in a long time!! ty everyone for allowing this dumb idea of mine to live this long on the forums :purple_heart: