Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

I’d imagine that his body still requires him to eat people to live, but he would be against it.
However, atlanteans are still close enough to normal people, and there is no shortage of them
You know what that means: Welcome back eating atlanteans

Actually, how OP would the warding curse be in the abyss sea :thinking:

Just a giant divine ankh constantly floating around the user

Downside: Everyone can see you
Upside: What are they going to do about it


atlantean: I have the sudden urge to go on a spiritual journey and become a vegan

The strongest weapon of all: Making your enemies feel immense guilt about things that they were unable to control

I know I’m a few days late to the party on this, but I have an idea for a horrifying direction you could take Calvus. Instead of having him mutate into a sunfish, have the infection interact with the power he inherited from Nero and thus leave his abilities, intellect, and raw magical power intact… in addition to granting him new abilities and control over Atlanteans.

How is this horrifying? Allow me to elaborate.

Take King Calvus in gameplay, during the very first time you fought (and almost certainly died to) him.

Now imagine if he fought not like a boss npc, but another player experienced in PvP who has been given his loadout of abilities and spells, and would thus be clever enough to use the throne as cover from your attacks, actively destroy the pillars around the room so you can’t do the same, and not let his attacks get ‘caught’ on the terrain.

Now imagine if, while fighting this smarter Calvus, you also had to deal with swarms of Atlanteans who are under his control, on top of an Insanity 3 debuff from merely being in the same room as him, with all the resulting visual effects and interface freakouts distracting you and messing with your hud in a battle where dodging and keeping track of your opponent is crucial.

Now imagine if you have only one chance to beat him. As in, if he kills you, you’re dead for good and never respawn.

Now imagine that death is the absolute best potential fate in store for you if this nigh-unstoppable boss beats you… and given that you have absolutely no experience with fighting Calvus before he got all these new abilities, you most certainly will lose.

Here’s a link to a character bio I whipped up breaking down what this might look like in the context of the Abyss Sea AU: King Calvus, Herald of the Deep


This makes me want to write a theme of this boss fight

I didn’t die to him because there was another guy farming him and I joined at the correct time

Lucky you! I died over 20 times to him. The whole idea behind that proposal was to take everything that makes this boss a pain in the butt to fight for me, amplify it, and then transplant all that into the Abyss Sea setting with horrifying results.

How’s this for a theme song?

Technically, it’s about an undead army being led by a necromancer, but it could easily be re-contextualized as being sung by King Calvus as his whole world is consumed by a force beyond his comprehension and he gradually accepts his new role as that force’s Herald.

The next few tries of me resulted in boss defeat failure though not because my armor was trash (which in fact, it was) but because I was standing there like an idiot playing as a handicapped mage and not blocking

Guys we need a theme song for everywhere and all locations

My vote is for ‘Still Playing?’ As the sailing theme song from the battle bricks

This for the sailing theme?
I don’t know, I think it would fit better somewhere else but I honestly don’t know

It would probably fit certain islands better. Generally a menu theme doesn’t really translate well to a travelling theme.

Wait there are islands without a specific theme

I choose ‘sailing theme’ specifically because I was afraid it would overlap with the island themes

Well I think most island themes would probably not fit the situation anymore, so replacing them shouldn’t be a problem.

But also yeah, I think harvest island is one of the ones without a theme

Quick question for this, is there any faction or group for a “scientist” / alchemy group attempting to search for some sort of “cure” to the infection in this AU?

Order of aesir

idk since it doesn’t mention much about them in the trello for this other than “Shady”.

I’m thinking about making an alchemist group attempting to search for a cure to the infection, utilizing combinations of potion ingredients in game + other potential things for “ingredients” to find a cure.

Actually, thinking more on this, I’m kind of wanting to do a sort of in universe journal entries thing for an alchemist OC just fucking around with ingredient combinations and seeing what happens, while also logging potion tests for the cure.

Yeah that would be cool

I think the closest we ever got to your idea was the chef AU, ironically enough