Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

Unrelated point but I’m changing the wording
“The normal woman on the Myriad”

does it fit with the AU? no.
does this AU need some wholesome stuff? yes.

Not my magic-racist bussineswoman scientist woman :slight_smile: nice

Nimbus Sea is a part of War Seas though, so it probably also have been invaded

Note from Arish Vista, Commander of the Alliance.

We’ve made contact with the Djin Ruin survivors. Their leader seems as if they’re going slightly insane - they keep talking about some kind of Order. Turns out the woman we saw him carrying was his sister, gravely injured by the Atlanteans. She’s dead now, and the grief is difficult on the young man. We dropped some ladders down to Redwake earlier, picking up the leader of the Chef’s Resistance and Chief Alfarin, along with a few doctors. Talks have officially begun, and hopefully we can convince them to join the Alliance. One of the doctors specialises in psychology, hopefully she can help the man through the struggles. We need him, we need every warrior we can get. Every day hoards of them get close to the top of the stepstones, and closer to the docks of Redwake.
– Arish Vista, Commander of the Alliance

Welcome to the Alliance. We’ll need all the help we can get.
[Abyss Sea] Cirrus Chapter: The Alliance - Writing - Arcane Odyssey


Extremely interesting AU…

So there’s no characters that users here have created though, right?

not exactly sure what you’re asking, but if it had to do with the status of the canon characters, they are currently being written by me and others who contribute ideas to what happened to them

as for OCs, users could either fit them into the agreed upon narrative or change it for their interpretation of the AU, which is what most ppl have been doing since there isnt really a definite story yet, just some vague ideas

I mean, there are characters folks have made, but most of the time their either dead / mutated or depressed

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So far most of us agree that redwake is eating good.

boy do I have a story for you

its either them eating each other, or the imminent threat :sob:

they cooking over there, whichever version you follow

Was curious about OCs because one of them is already a monster and the other is his sister who’s barely surviving due to flight

whether their cooking people or cooking Atlanteans, they certainly are eating, until they starve to death

I did have the idea that redwake could build on top of the jaws spires using the wood from their old buildings, along with ships that had crashed into the spires.
However, it seems that the generally agreed upon thing is that they are hungry.

I had a bizarre idea

crazy wizard kills atlanteans

and collects body parts to reattach them to create a “super-atlantean” frankenstein to take over the world.





(and yes theyre a wood user because wood magic is funny)

this is some Aesir type behavior :sob:

wouldn’t be surprised if they were involved in it somehow

me at mount othrys watching the flames of unending massacre of humanity by atlanteans...

knowing there is something much more sinister and bloodlustful right behind me:

cultists of legendary beast have doomed the war seas, forever…

The Melting Anomaly

I awoke up to the cries of the village folks again. Another raid from the Frost Brigand, Perhaps? No… it was too soon. Either way, I made my way to my front door as quickly as my waking legs could. My lineaged axe soon came into sight, stabbed upon the frame of the door, before pulling it off with a CRACK.

As I opened the creaking door to freezing ice magic that made our iceberg so valuable to the Ice Smugglers that dug away at the base of our village. I saw… Smugglers? They had the telltale signs, of the large frosted axes and daggers. Why? Why are they HERE? In the village? And why were they in the dozens?

Brigands were distinct from the Smugglers the Brigands stole from us. But they had a motivation to not kill us, so they could round back and steal again. The smugglers were different they had no motivation to not kill us as they gained their spoils from the iceberg itself. However, they dwelled in the mines, as there was no point in raiding us. ̶B̶u̶t̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶f̶e̶n̶…

My thoughts, cut short as a smuggler charged into my side crashing me clean onto my back with a thud. Now focusing and anticipating to find an axe crashing down onto my arm guarding my head. instead, the smuggler stomped on my chest launching himself off and down to the road.

Standing back up, choking back up the air forced out of me. I glanced down the path the smuggler ran from, as a sick-looking man rounded the corner.

(yes I plan on continuing this)

if you want the "ending" so you don't need to wait for me to finish up the story

Iris (she is level 35-45 ish at the end) is knocked out due to trauma and overextending her energy
is carried onto the (only) ship along with around 3/5 of the village and 2-5/small total of Smugglers

the other 1/5 of the villagers are dead and the last 1/5 left behind are doomed/dead

Frost Brigands are now in a panic as they see the last ship leave and watch the doomed villagers killed and they are now stuck on FrostMill (they are the last ones)

however good news for the Frost Brigands:
fewer people means fewer and weaker Atlanteans
Atlanteans do not yet have a reason to climb up or know of Brigands
they found the abandoned village and the sinkhole
magic is starting to awaken in some of the Brigands BUT training or use will attract Atlanteans

due to a breaking of the iceberg, there is now a very large chunk of Atlantean-infested ice just floating around

around this size:


well, this story isn’t depressing or wholesome, but it is certainly a story.