Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

Since Morden is Infected and hasn’t escaped yet (as far as i’m aware in the au’s lore)
wouldn’t that mean the death curse is free for the taking? And thanks to Morden’s journal in the game we have a general idea of where the death curse was before he obtained it, to east of the Pelion rift

So unless i missed some of the lore where smth else happened with the curse, it’s still there, and i currently have a oc that has like a 70% chance of missing it, to far north by white summit when he first went out

I think Mirage said that Morden is held captive by the order with the curse on him, altho I might be wrong

Alright, so it could be in either direction, may be there, possibly not

I found it

You were right, Morden alr got it

I planned to include this in my Abyss Sea since having the death curse would be really handy and ppl are definitely gonna fight over it

Alright, though considering Morden is still within the testing facilities, not that many people will be aware that is where the curse is, but once he escapes, well, the world just might be doomed depending on if he still has his mind by then

And Sea curses in general are also unstable right now with all of this, such as being at a bigger risk themselves, but those fighting don’t gotta know, let them dive headfirst towards insanity

Around the storyline of my abyss sea au, silvy’s body was burning inside out, due to absorbing so much magic energy while in iron skin 5, and when it ran out, he started burning and they had to give him a dose of iron skin 5, which kept him alive but it was also limited, so his people desided to try and make a cure for him.

He wanted to die in peace, but one of them still gave him he serum, the parts of his body that were already burnt away were most susceptible to the change, his entire dna and humanity was changed.

His personality, instincts, nature and body were changed.


Magic reset thing got added in the dark sea and apparently exists in the lore. You think it could have some relevance in a story?


Abyss sea?


hear me out gang…

  • guy gets infected
  • life magic user takes a bone from the infected guy
  • infected guy is murdered, killed, burned, turned to ash, reduced to their base particles.
  • life magic user does The Morock Project (silly spell) on the bone or remain
  • badabing badaboom

Sorry, you lost me at the morock project

Resurrecting the guy

Btw guys I’d like to give yall a heads up, mirage is currently on a vacation, been in vacation for nearly a month so thats why they havent interacted much.

Yep, though there is a estimated time for when their back

9 days ago, so should be a lil under 2 weeks for em to come back, though it is not a guarantee as flights or whatever may be delayed, so it is still important to be patient for their return

Ah didnt notice that, just desided to mention it since i still am in contact with them constantly

ah, cool, it’s easy to miss things sometimes when the replies get long like this almost having 2.5k replies

should’ve not ate his whole family (chicken soup) infront of him

Nah, it was the most logical thing to do