Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

je agree
never, and i mean NEVER try to implement ‘stats’ into a ‘story’ or AU, especially if its a community
shits bout to get chaotic since (almost) everyone uses a different metric

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Well it appears to be the time for people to properly put OCs here so I may as well.

Name: Joe Galleon
Current location: Just south of Sandfall Isle, currently travelling towards Shell Island
Insanity: 0 for now
Status: Alive and healthy

Story: He was fairly experienced at sailing in the dark sea before the invasion, so when it started, he thought that he could handle it.

He was wrong.

After fleeing from the initial attack, he hid at the North of the bronze sea, close to the Pelion rift in order to recover and repair the ship. After some time, it was evident that the hiding spot was no longer safe, as atlanteans would ambush the ship from underwater. Joe set out to find any island that had survived up to this point that would be a safe place to stay. During this journey, there were frequent attacks from atlantean ships. His ship was durable enough to survive any encounter, but more of the crew were lost with each fight. These ship encounters made it difficult to properly search the islands, so if any survivors were hiding they would not be noticed.

After some time, he approached Palo town, and heard the cries for help from the now infected Mayor Tilly. He chose to avoid it as loud cries would likely attract atlanteans to the already damaged crew, and a place where people were safe would not have calls for help. Instead, he chose to sail towards limestone key, as there was a fight happening but no ships in sight. There he found his rival, McFarland fighting an atlantean, seemingly stranded and forced to fend for himself. Joe decided to help, and the two rivals came to an agreement to work together to increase the chance of them both surviving.

Continuing the search for an inhabited island, the ship made a stop at Sandfall Isle because Compton, the navigator, said that he could sense something there. This became an ambush, as atlanteans appeared out of the water and out of the sand, with some of them attacking those who had stepped foot on the island, while others took control of the ship and started trying to sail it away. This caused the crew to be split up, with half on the island and half on the ship. Joe did manage to regain control over the ship, but by the time he had returned to Sandfall, several members of the crew on the ship and on the island had died and the rest were injured. The ship with its damaged crew departed from the island and turned towards Shell Island, hoping that an island of that size had survived well enough to be safe.

That concludes what I’ve come up with at the moment. It was a little longer than I expected but it does cover most of what has happened so far.

joe galleon are u fuckin kidding me

arthur galleon is the true galleon

“x character got mutated cause they weren’t using a meta build :pensive:

the entirety of noble phantasm



my money’s on martin

Oh really?
Things are heating up in the Galleon family

would rlly appreciate it if u guys put oc statuses in the other topic! Just to filter this one out a bit lol

legends say that ana the sailor is mutated and on the prowl for minors

excuse me what the hell


on the prowl for minors

mind explaining this???

it’s how she got kicked out of the gravy

someone needs to send me context cause im been wondering for DAYS what happened to them (not on this topic tho pls ty)

anyways moving on

is rear admiral Adkins still fighting off the atlantean invasion or is he dead

bros going after the BIG BOY (martin)


Shall we not forget the Overseer Silver (chromalux), who mutated into creature that is able to make water start to boil in 200 meter radius near him. (aoe + thermo)

Wait is this my matthew or a different guy since both matthews are depressed lol (my matthew lost his best friend)

(If this is my matthew I guess I’d like some credit on the trellopage, tho some stuff about him is inaccurate, like him being a navy member and so on)

LMAO :sob:
