Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

this song plays every time i write something tragic

Well Mirage did propose the idea of him turning into one of these cause its kinda reminiscent of his weapon

Make sure to have music that will cause people to go insane as well.

We don’t talk about this though.

azumanga daioh is too much :sob:

The music video for this song made me feel like I was tripping balls

Guys what would happen if the atlanteans encountered this

or this

Atlas Earth is the equivalent of 6 Martin’s going all out, a punch of hers is enough to obliterate all space and time continuum

This is literally the second impact (assuming not everyone dies)

outside of frostmill and maybe blasted rock, im probably gonna stop writing stuff for this AU until next update

I don’t give my files personalities or anything like that, so I’ll base it off of how I play when I use those files.

  1. Hermes Zhou
    Would probably be a true survivor, using others to continue living. When I play on Hermes, I typically just do whatever I want- since I’ve got nothing to lose. I often find myself killing every player I see. Hermes would probably pretend to be a castaway or steal resources from other survivors while having a main camp somewhere in the Jaws.

  2. Booker Booth
    Most likely going to die. When I play on Booker, I mostly just mess around with armor builds- and then I hop into unwinnable situations with said armor build. I once tried fighting a 4v1 with guns only. I did surprisingly well, but it’s not something you would actively want to put yourself through. So, Booker would probably jump into a horde of atlanteans with only an axe, a shield, and pure guts- win, and then die to an atlantean infection.

  3. Simon Peter
    My main file. I doubt he’d die for a couple reasons, but the biggest being the fact that I accumulated most of my game sense using this file. So I have a ton of potions and I am just very good in combat with him. Simon would probably be in Palo Town, but I can see him escaping and managing to climb thet Stepstones earlier using his plethora of invisibility and agility potions. Of course, he’d eventually run out of specific potions since ingredients are on the sea, but he won’t have to use potions as long as he’s in Cirrus.

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didn’t magic based off your soul literally shorten your lifespan significantly

Soul casting is such a raw energy, it physicaly rips parts of your soul, shortening its lifespawn.
While magic in general, just prolongs your body by existing inside of it.

That’s why i like to call my file a magic corpse. Bud fr lives off magic.

Friendly sirens maybe?

Idk, maybe they just want people to go sailing again so they can have fun chasing them down

Now that u said it. It makes me wonder

What happened to Calvus’ children?

Simon Peter? Why not call up his friend and end things real quick.

Ah screw it I am gonna impart it.

Theories on how the Atlanteans are managing to go inside the Bronze Sea

Every time we go to the borders of the Bronze sea there is a big wall of dark fog that separates us from the Dark sea. We still don’t know how this wall is pushing the corrupting elements of the Dark seas, but it has done its job for how many years people have lived here. Not only has it blocked the polluted sea and clouds, but also Atlanteans as well. For the expeditionary few, it is a godsend. As Atlantean ships will swerve around as the ships go beyond this fog wall. But circumstances have proven otherwise, and now there are coming in massive numbers. I have many theories as to why this is happening.

The Barriers are Weakening

This theory postulates that the fog wall surrounding the Bronze sea is giving up. This could be due to general wear and tear from the Dark sea clashing on to the wall or some other supernatural reason.

Polluted waters and dark clouds would seep in the cracks. The process would be gradual and exponential. It would start out as inconsequential, mostly mistaken as waves carrying it over. But over time it will start to become much more visible and prominent, almost going as far to the southern cliffs of Mount Othrys. This in turn gives the Atlanteans a familiar environment to sail through, especially during the night. Their adaptations to low-light environments would backfire as soon as they see the sun, and they can only sail when it is cloudy.

Now this weakening is not uniform, as for the case of the southern parts of the Bronze sea being hit first. It is only a matter of time before the northern parts of this wall collapse as well, fully enveloping the Bronze sea, and many others, to be consumed in the darkness.

This however does not explain the sightings of Atlantean ships, as this would assume the Dark sea has increased in energy to make the 1st range have Insanity 1. Though it could be just that these Atlanteans are desperate for flesh and they have found a new food source.

The Dark Sea is Strengthening

This is a much more insidious theory. This postulates that the Dark sea’s chaotic energy has surpassed the energy of the fog wall. This phenomena might be due to an event that could increase the energy levels of the Dark sea.

It would have similar results from the former theory, but much faster and have far more consequences. The surge of energy has pushed the energy states of all Ranges. Dark sea expeditionary groups will be experiencing Insanity 1 on the Insanity 0 range. The Insanity 5 Range has the potential to become much more inhospitable to the point that not even Atlanteans can live there due to the increased chaotic energy. The Insanity 5 dwellers would have to migrate down a range, potentially disrupting the equilibrium of the Insanity 4 dwellers. This would in turn cause a chain reaction as the Atlanteans would try to run away from their stronger brethren.

And this is where it gets worse. Since the Atlanteans from the Insanity 1 Range (which now has Insanity 2) have now gone down to the Insanity 0 Range (which now has Insanity 1), this could mean the Bronze sea is in a process of becoming the Insanity 0 Range with polluted seas and all. However, if the surge is much bigger than anticipated, there would be no such thing as an Insanity 0 Range. Only time will tell if this surge will ever come to an equilibrium.

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real :sob:

You know? I may have to make a whole trello to keep track of everything and start doing it now before it gets too split up

I might make a topic to gather up all the lore related replies/topics so that its easier to find them, cause when i made this is did NOT expect this kind of reaction (its good tho!!)