Arcane Academy Part 1 -- Comic

Did you name it Dulzura after my WoM character :smirk:

No I was not the one to name it. Arcane Academy and Durzula High came from… Uh… I think it was Archomas? Maybe Tong? I can’t remember.

Does sound like your name doe. :nod:

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Dulzura Salore, Iron Save :nod:

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in trello theres a list of writer club members including yours truly :sunglasses:

personalities is a bit of a blank though

EPIC. I’ll try to include them somewhere.

Mr. Theos Rochester

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oh and put devo in the story

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if rupin was in the comic then the comic would end faster

also idk whos tobi in the comic, he doesn’t have a mask all i see if a random dude with toilet paper on the head


Pretty sure his name is Charmin, and he is ultra strong…




alight. i havent improved (ruined) somebodys art in a long time (1 month). lets start with this fine comic using my supreme editing skills (artbreeder) I will scar this landscape.

Btw i hate you for thisimage

wouldn’t that actually make him more scarred though, since a higher percentage of his body is covered with scars, due to him having the same amount of scars, but a smaller body?

wtf no. You’re bringing back memories from 8th grade music class

Oh no now I remember… :moyai:

Scale it down I guess. Just trying to empathize the amount of scars he has, testament to the countless battles he got himself in.

I didnt mean it seriously lol, Sorry

No need for apology, your comment made sense really.