Arcane apotheosis

I decided to look for some information about the meaning the word apotheosis had and i found this

Since the word “arcane” indicates that it has something to do with magic i assume at some point our magic will be blessed by the gods?
Idk share your toughts


most likely wont be magic exclusive due to u know why

and we’re most likely some god’s descendants so yeah the blessed by god isnt too far off

Yeah its the word arcane that leaves me uncertain

probably just flavor word

yk, arcane adventure, arcane odyssey, thats that

Vetex really likes the word arcane

But one “o” is missing…

it’s a typo

We need to note that Rill Hendrix is NOT a magic user. He’s a very strong basic combat user.

Apotheosis is also a fancy word for “the highest point of something” or “the culmination/climax”.

Considering the Rill Hendrix lists it as an “ability”, I’d assume that maybe Arcane Apotheosis is basically the culmination or the highest peak of all your abilities and skills, and perhaps unleashing it all at once? Only possible if you’ve truly reached the “peak” of your power.

Idk how that would work in gameplay tho…

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