Arcane Arena Development Log

Just whip out the Tartarus magic and banish someone to prison for slightly annoying you

You just said that youā€™re not a human?

alright guys, make a poll for some concept ideas that you find interesting and Iā€™ll work on the winner

(poll ends on the 16th)

  • Tendon magic - fleshy fauna based magic with abilities involving controlling meat and tissue to oneā€™s advantage.
  • Phantom magic - a possible shadow fusion that allows the user to mimic the properties of a ghost, possessing objects and using ectoplasm to attack foes
  • Symbol magic - using the power of symbols and patterns found both in nature and in manmade civilization, do various things such as rapidly increase your stats with the golden ratio, or force everyone within a radius of you to uncontrollably boogie with a disco ball symbol, and so on.
  • Willpower magic - anime protagonist favorite, control your own volition to extremes allowing for nigh undefeated defenses and decent offensive capability.
  • Osmium magic - this extremely heavy metal is no joke! smash away at your enemies with the heaviest element in the universe, shockwaves created can create waves of debris due to the sheer force, metal magic mutation possibly.
  • Faerie magic - a light mutation that allows the user to live out their fairy godmother fantasies, control a small, yet powerful pink glittery magic capable of enchanting and transmutating your allies and opponents.
  • wendigo magic - this dark, cursed ability seems to allow the user to achieve incredible power, at the cost of consuming human fleshā€¦ transform into a massive beast that requires you to play hyper-aggressively in order to maintain it.
  • Steam magic - does this already exist? if not I guess Iā€™ll make it, we all know what steam is.
  • Tar magic - control a thick, sticky black ooze that burns to the touch, trap your foes in this boiling substance and wreak havoc on the environment, a magma/poison fusion.
0 voters

symbol magic, just use the symbols for every other magic and you can do everything

Willpower magic because I want to have plot armor

Tendon magic + willpower magic = The Forumā€™s Acumen

so far, tar seems pretty popular, though maple did vote for phantom, which honestly I wasnā€™t expecting.

Iā€™ll still work on whoever wins by majority vote tho

So willpower? :mariomug:


also @Maple when youā€™re in Safe status, does hitting someone with a spell immediatly put you in combat, so you canā€™t just spam spells on other players while hiding safely in the safe zone? If not it should. Would still allow you to get the first hit tho

also what if every T5 achievement gave you a unique little thing, like maybe a cosmetic? Rn their reward seems kinda underwhelming since itā€™s just like all other achievement, some Orbs and Shards, albeit in higher quantities

also also, when you get a magic from warping, can you roll it again? Since if no that means you could permanently locked out of a variation

or maybe make it so you can reroll a magics variation for an orb cost?

And imma yap even more, I saw that maybe it would be possible to fuse only 1 magic to get a higher tier of it? In that case, imo it would be a neat idea, you put Fire ā†’ Scorch as one and thereā€™s so many other possibilities, Ice ā†’ Blizzard, Glass ā†’ Obsidian (my beloved), Light ā†’ Aether, Shadow ā†’ Darkness

one more day of voting, phantoms winning :eyes: :ghost:



I think this could be solved by having people in safe zones be able to use spells, but the spells donā€™t do damage or status effects, which would be really funny. imagine someone just uses the biggest ult in the game in a safezone

no, maple wants them to be able to do damage so people canā€™t camp spawns waiting for people to come out

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ouhhhh right

i guess it would just have to take your safe status away as soon as you use a spell


maybe, probably like an equippable aura or something like ebg (also titles def) but im not sure how they will be accessed (in terms of ui)


its an idea, imo it wont be needed due to the variety of fused magics already, but maybe if they are added theyll be super rare
also magic variations already exist so itd be difficult to create something unique out of this kind of upgrade

Pv = nRT