Arcane Disruption Flares ( Or.. just signal flares. )

Arcane Disruption Flares ( Or.. just signal flares. )
effort 3.0 1 quality 3.0 1 reasonability 4.0 1

Usually I would do a story here but… you already know what it is.
“A way for people to find you in the dark sea if you FUCKED UP.”

Arcane Disruption Flares, what’s their purpose… how would they work, what do they do?

But why though.

Let’s be honest, some idiot is gonna get themselves stranded in the dark sea and require immediate assistance. Fun thing is… from what it looks like navigating it will be hell!

How it work though.

A new bullet type. It doesn’t do damage, it’s just to avoid having to add flare guns as an extra utility.
Fire it from a musket or flintlock in the general direction you want to call help from.

Its point is “Arcane Disruption” or basically… violent magic reactions to attract attention from any expeditioners nearby.

“Will this result in ganking on the dark sea of people just desperately requesting help?”
Its a possibility but doing this will drop your community reputation to zero or slightly above zero.

It’s also a good way to actually regroup.

As things get more hectic deeper in the dark sea… disruption flares actually become more effective.
More violent magic reactions causing them to be even noisier, flashier, and overall more attention-pulling than before.

The disruption flare will also leave a bit of a trail on the ocean as to make it easier to track down where it was shot from.

What hour were you writing this?

4:54, haven’t fucking slept


tldr :
flare that helps for regrouping and works as an sos signal too.
leaves a trail from where it’s fired from to where it’s fired at.
pretty attention-grabbing, due to violent magic reactions
it’s actually more effective the further you are in the dark sea.

( yes, this means it’ll be pretty damn useless outside of the dark sea. )

also i’m pretty sure vetex won’t let us have nice things like party markers the moment we enter the dark sea.

i mean come on that’s a PRETTY HANDY NAVIGATION TOOL…

so i don’t think he’ll allow us to coordinate just like that!
so we would need special things to help coordinate in the dark sea.

This is cool and I’m down for it but…
compass upgrade.


im not sure why youd need that if you got a compass that points directly outside of the dark sea
realistically you shouldnt be able to be saved if you fucked up since thats kind of the entire challenge, and being stranded implies you probably lost all your loot anyway

dark sea compasses are meant to get you back to safety.

but what if you’re absolutely stranded to the point you actually require immediate help

or want to try and coordinate on the dark sea.

if you are stranded then die, theres no point to be saved

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unless the dark sea does constant damage to your ship sinking it in seconds if its in a state of disrepair, having a ship that physically can’t make it out of the dark sea without sinking, and having no resources left at your disposal

while still trying to retrieve things you got in said dark sea…

misfortune will and can happen to the bold.

If your ship is getting torn up by the waves that fast you wasn’t ready to enter in the first place.

im pretty sure there’s lots of things besides waves that can tear up your ship.

im pretty sure most if not all of the loot that must be brought back will be on your ship the same way sealed chests work

also… not to mention one of the main things might be regrouping, or coordinating.

the further you go in the harder that’ll get to do, that is a certainty.

so this is just a way to make regrouping easier. after all, what dumb sunuvagun would head so deep without anyone to back em up?

i dont like making coordination easier since the entire point is to have basically no communication whatsoever with the outside world

While the idea is pretty cool, Im not sure if Vetex will really add this, as it might go against the point of the Dark Sea in the first place.

The point of the Dark Sea is to be a “high risk, high reward” kind of gamemode. It pretty much puts you into a “do or die” situation. If you die, you basically lose it all, and if you make it back alive, you’re rewarded. You either make it or you don’t. That’s the whole point of the Dark Sea.

So you being able to put out some signal so that you can be saved… I don’t think that meshes well with that. And like what someone said above, there are already specific features added in the Dark Sea that cuts you off from any form of communication. You already can’t see quest markers, unable to send messages and trades. So having some other form of communication… yeah, I think it’s highly unlikely.

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the only reason they even work at all is because of the violent reactions with the dark sea’s concentrated chaos.
the second they’re out of the dark sea they cease to work, so no you can’t just call out from the dark sea to any of the nearby seas for help. someone has to be in an identical situation to you, out in the dark sea and around the same location.
there would also be a maximum range it could go obviously…

dude just die if you’re that stranded you’d probably be dead anyway

Like the idea, maybe give a rescuer who safely returns the endangered player a boon. Like, they gain fame (650ish). I’d have it be, though, that there’s an hour-long cooldown per individual player, so it can’t be abused.

all i see it as is providing another tool for survival, by relying on the trust and capability of others.
and besides, there’s probably plenty more ways. using the repair hammer and swimming from island to island if they’re a short distance apart, carefully navigating the dark sea as to not accumulate more damage, etc…

this new option isn’t meant to be without risk you know?
you’re solely relying on the trust of others.

not everyone is your friend, you know?
ultimately when we see someone helpless, with them able to lose everything, and us to gain everything?
we turn into just yet another monster on the dark sea.
loot is still loot, no matter what.

Greed corrupts.

i had more written up but i cleared it.

dude if you end up stranded on an island what’s the likelyhood they would also get stranded trying to save you

also like noone would ever answer this crap due to your funny poem you wrote

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warmwater why do you act like an ass half the time

like the other half you’re cool but

then you’re just not