Arcane Lobotomy

So I was in church and I saw this in the Bible

And like an arcane odyssey sleeper agent reading the word Samaria stunned me for a couple seconds before I remembered that that’s an actual place and not just a desert kingdom in the nimbus sea.

Anyways I’d like to know any scenario’s you’ve had that was not related to arcane odyssey at all but a word or image etc caused you to think of it.

(Image for thumbnail)

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I think you spend too much time on arcane odyssey

Who woulda guessed god is an ao fan

Masada was a real place too it was some dumbass fort, I think it got obliterated by Romans, no idea tho

samaria is real but sameria isnt

Romans spent 9 weeks seiging the fort, and once they got in they found out everyone inside killed themselves so the romans couldn’t capture them

I went their once, it’s on a really tall mountain