Arcane Oddysey: The Scammer


OK, I was playing AO right lowballing out of freshies as always when I saw this kid named darkness something and noticed he had an acrimony, and did the usual sent a bunch of bad items and like 5000 galleons to see if he accepted, the trade expired… Me and my friend then decided to search for him and talk to him face to face, in order to explain the situation of me needing that item he had etc. Eventually we found his red hp caravel near whitesummit, there was nobody, I jumped into it and suddenly I am teleported to silverhold, boy, that guy is so laggy he teleported me from the sea to an island.

Anyways I saw him heading to his ship, leaving silverhold and jumped there and well we talked a little and I told him I needed his acrimony and that i’d give him legendary items

Anyways he told me to send the trade and uhmmm I sent him 5000 galleons + a single tears of gaia and 5 narwhal horns, and he said this:
hmmmmmm ok its fair
Man I’m such a bad person I can’t believe I did this to a lvl 65, but anyways, it had to be done it was already set to happen, besides he has a free stat reset anyway and he did get something in exchange, maybe with those 5000 galleons he can buy a ketch or with the narwhal horns he can uh do warding pots for Dark Sea idk what would he do with the tears of gaia tho lol

capitalism 100
charisma |-50|
high level trust -999999999999999999999999999999999 repeating

keep hustling and dont forget to tip your landlord :+1:

Sorry if you got scammed or good job escaping it


he probably felt really bad at your desperateness he accepted the trade out of pity

it’s a dog eat dog world out there

my bro just admitted to a crime

Man… Scamming out of maybe like a few gems is fine, but youre… kinda a yrash person for doing this! I am sure youre aware though…

we should get this man banned (these trades should be trade quality low)

uhmmm he said it’s fair so

Plot twist: Acrimony was duped and you are banned now.

thats why if someone sends me a trade for an item that i dont know the true worth of. i google it on the wiki for the game

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