Arcane Oddysey's story is kinda

bro’s a psychopath

He just sees her as an angry toddler pomeranian younger sibling from his experience, thats why he’s amused lmao

Honestly if Vetex showed how the characters ARE face to face it would be way better, like them explaining what did they do before they got where they are with us but he just puts everything into journals so.

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Like stated from Neviro’s journal, hes actually not ready to open up yet. I think thats the same with Morden. And realise these two are the only ones with journals, Iris seems to already warming up and be open to others and she doesnt have one. Thats why theyre in journals, its a way to gauge what theyre actually feeling if theyre not open yet. (Or Iris not having one is a death flag… since those journals have volumes, meaning theres one for each sea)

p sure the 3rd guy you talk to in rubica before sir gaius announces the thing says “they better catch the guy or king calvus will be very upset”

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Iris journal be like: ‘‘I’m gonna turn you into a pile of ashes!’’

Im just gonna say you SHOULD NOT introduce your “main” villain (main villain of bronze sea) in the final chapter. The issue here is that he, or rather ANYONE IMPORTANT from Ravenna, is never properly built up or introduced until you meet them in battle. It’s terrible for the story because these “big” moments do NOT feel big.


Yeah that’s why it would be cool to have some characters mentioning them or just them appearing somewhere for a short time

This was a good post to read, and I agree with a lot of the points that were said. Not much to say, but thanks for taking the time to write this.


neviro when the woman is mad:


something interesting to note about Iris is that she probably didnt have the most pleasant past

  • She loves her father a lot, yet never mentioned about her mother. So either her mother was never there ( long enough for Iris to remember her at least ), its something very personal to her, or she was a horrible person.
    Im leaning towards the first and second one ( hell, maybe Iris’ mother was the one who taught/leave Iris instruction on how to learn Flare Magic? )

  • Her first reaction when her father went missing was straight up rebellion against Ravenna, completely alone. And she also went with the gang with (iirc) zero hesitation, meaning she has literally no connections to Ravenna aka no friends or acquaintances

all of this combined means either Iris is very hesitant about making friends/relationships in general, or she is desparate for one but havent been able to ( either due to her anger issue or because everyone stay away from her due to her being an anomaly )

if its the second then yeah it makes sense why she is more open than a guy thats been experimented on for gods know how long, a prince that was the black sheep of his family ( said family is also being hunted down btw )

MC is amnesiac so technically they are the most normal/trauma-free person here, so thats probably why they are open too


I’ve made like 13 files now and I had to carefully read the story on the last few cos I forgot it, i just knew where to go and when lol.
Tho in all fairness when I did stop to read it the story was well crafted. If there’s one thing Vetex does well imo it’s an intriguing story.

I would probably say that my only major problem with the story as a whole is that the option to kill bosses removes possibilities from future character development. Since players are able to kill them permanently, characters like Elius, who had some really interesting potential threads about his drive for success and recognition, have to die anyway, no matter what. It just feels like a missed opportunity imo. Interested to see what role Revon has when he comes back, though

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I was suggesting the use of a perspective change. For example, a scene of an obscured figure sitting on the throne of Ravenna and delivering dialogue. Not every story scene has to be told directly from the perspective of the MC and doing it that way is pretty limiting for the scope of the story Vetex is trying to tell. In general, the use of perspective changes makes the world feel bigger than the MC (which it is).

This is a dynamic that should be communicated via the story directly not just in the journal. Sure you can use the journals to go more into depth but in general “show don’t tell” should always be the base.

I do agree with the fact that we just met the cast so there’s room for the characterization to grow.


Its hard to do proper show and tell here because 1. Theres no voice, 2. This is a Roblox game and theres limitations with what cutscenes can show.
Meaning you have to pay close attention to the dialogue and what the character chooses to do in the story. The game ends up skipping an entire sequence where MC and Neviro supposedly fought off guards in the hallway as well when they were on the way to Calvus (its in the quest desc) But yeah, there’s limitations.

For Morden, you could really tell he’s not very open, and this was shown several times, from when Morden roasts Neviro and MC has an option to point out how cold that was (lol), or the few interactions with Iris from what Ive said above.

Neviro actually does the same thing. He repeatedly tells you “leave me alone” back in Cirrus Island, and then there was that point where he also acts cold go Morden (bruh, why he asking if he’s dead? He just sleeping bro :sob:). I think its also clear that he hasnt opened up if you look at his actions (or lack of such) compared to Iris who was genuinely looking out for the group

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That’s just plain wrong, have you ever read a good book?

This is a fair point yes, but not all cutscenes have to be complicated to show us something. I can’t see an issue with more cutscenes showing behind the scenes stuff like Neviro and Iris’s journey and other things related to Calvus. The only thing that I think would be limited with cutscenes are obviously fights. Story is NOT ALL ACTION.

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its told in a journal because neviro’s detailed backstory isnt important to the overall plot, you just need to know that he was from winterveil and thats all. the journal exists for people who care about the more detailed lore and removing that and forcing neviro to go on a huge rant telling the player directly their entire story would be worse


they don’t die anyway so idk what you’re saying here, if you spared them then they lived and will return later on


Ah huh?

Probably spoilers, but how would that work if players can choose to kill them (barring major plot contrivances)? Are there going to be two possible versions of the story? If so, I applaud your ambition, there are lots of AAA studios that wouldn’t attempt that (cough cough Bioware cough cough)