Arcane Odyssey (1 Year From Now)

AO has been out for almost nine months now and has come pretty far. A year from today will be November 2nd, 2024. By then what do you guys predict AO will look like content wise? How will the meta be, what features will be in that aren’t now, what will the player count look like etc.

Personally, I hope we have ship bosses like Averill and Trigno with their own unique drops by then cause they were one of my favorite parts of Arcane Adventures. I’m also excited to see how more lost scrolls will diversify player toolkits since right now every class uses pretty much the same skills since we have so few.


The nimbus sea will be complete, and the storyline will be complete up until the end of the Nimbus Sea. Ghost ships, and legendary ship bosses will be added to both seas.

Player professions and more crafting skills will be introduced. Arcanium weapons will be added, as well as mage tools such as crystal balls and tomes.

The injuries mechanic will be scrapped or heavily reworked if it’s implemented, since it doesn’t fit the game at all with the current concept.

The auction house will finally be completed, and added to the game.

The balance team will still be completely incompetent, and the meta will change drastically every patch, with the previous meta being shafted so hard, that it becomes the weakest playstyle. Until it finally circles back around through all the metas and becomes the strongest again.

And spirit weapons will still be missing.


most accurate prediction


completely forgot that was supposed to be a thing lol

roblox will have broken the game, the pvp community moves to arcane reborn, and nobody is happy


vetex gives up on arcane odyssey and starts working on another game while we all cry




We’ll have Nimbus Sea complete, new clan building features sensing, arcanium weapons spirit weapons and all and possibly some missing features from the trello

Nimbus sea won’t be finished, we’ll get auctionhouse and spirit weapons

Either we have most or all of nimbus sea or Vetex loses motivation like what happened in AA before the filtering update even touched it.

Unfortunately, it can happen.

The fact this is a possibility is scary lol

But I genuinely think he’ll finish AO because he hasn’t invested this much time, money, and effort into any other project before this one.

Balance team makes terrible decision game is dead and Vetex is homeless because his game is dead :broken_heart:

Either vetex will continue to work on this game a year from now or he’ll drop arcane odyssey for yet another game involving magic as the main focus.

Why is are so many ppl sayin Vetex is gonna drop the game :sob: :sob: Yall have no faith in the man


watch as vetex says he wont drop the game and then drops the game 3 months later

Ppl are really out here comtemplating that vetex will drop the game huh, personally i dont want that to happen

But if vetex drops the game I’m dropping everything to make an AO webtoons using my own OC/files as the MC


if vetex drops it atleast i hope he un caps it like wom. it will be really fun

Like that may ever happen :sob:

and the first paragraph of the last message

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Why are yall saying Vetex going to drop the game?? Just seeing how workaholic and addicted this man is, I don’t think he will quit anytime soon
He even said he going to make AO story into a book either right after the game finished or Roblox… y’know… is gone :upside_down_face:

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