Iris: High school hockey player, hothead, uses a bat
Morden: Edgy loner parkourist, maybe uses knives
Warren: Annoyed dad figure, big game hunter and survivalist, uses M16
Edward: Along for the ride, former army soldier, any gun I guess/pistols
Neviro: Scared, rich kid, private school, on the archery team, uses a bow
I’d bet Iris would verbally abuse Neviro on a daily basis
OOO love your interpretation of the characters me likey!
She’d bully everyone
who are the zomibes
Just normal zombies I’d think. Maybe The Walking Dead style zombies.
king calvus zombie
are there aliens too
and robots
and living shoes
Enizor either didn’t make it or pulled a Bill L4D
Maybe he is the medic or something
Well, where is he?
and if you didn’t
well… where is he
i’m presuming he’s dead by the way if you can’t tell
That Apocalypse bringer curse seems to be pretty strong
Dang… U really made warren like a typical apocalypse-dad
(Lowkey looks like joel miller in the best way possible)
My favorite character archetype
make enizor wield a shotgun
Undead Argos: