Arcane Odyssey - Artist Application Instructions

how long does it take for an artist role request to get seen?
(please accept)

I realized so late that I need to attach pictures after sending a request > <

can i get someone to draw my character if im horrible at drawing???

well commissions exist and even art requests too


I sent in a request but I was stupid and didn’t know how to do it so it’s probably drowned out by others now.

probably has been answered somewhere so I’m sorry about that, but if my submission looks a lot like a character reference will it still be okay or is detail required? (for context I drew an unshaded AO oc next to an image of the ingame avatar, which I use as a reference a lot for them)

Mostly asking since idk how long it takes to get approved, but I do not appear to be rejected since I cannot resend a request yet

It appears I can answer my own question! it was ok :smiley:

There’s always off-topic for unfinished art.


how do I get the weird purple name again :baby:

(actually… seeing how inactive this place looks, I don’t think I’m gonna get any answers even if I did apply…)

In order to get the purple name, you’ll have to be accepted into the artists group first

Afterwards you can set your primary group to artists and that will change your name to be purple

This will be under the account settings under preferences

Make the thumbs up cat meme a thumbs down : r/PhotoshopRequest

I’m sorry for bothering again but when I try to upload my 3 drawings they just dont load? I also tried SS and then pasting them but they just dont appear, what do I do?

Send the message and edit the images into it after it was sent