Want become an artist in the forum/discord community? Follow these steps.
Artists - Arcane Odyssey This link leads you to the Artist forum group
Click the Request button on the top-right of your window screen.
In the message window, send at least Three Community Related Art Content, and submit. While three is our main focus, exceptions may be made for certain media. Community-related content and media include, but are not limited to:
* Arcane Adventures, World of Magic, Arcane Odyssey, Adventure Story themed art * Fanart of in-game characters and original character avatars * In-game and original guild logo/logotype graphic design, * Drawings both digital and traditional, paintings, pixel art, animations, multimedia productions * Fan music compositions, original theme songs * Art that uses generative AI will not be accepted
Adding your content
When submitting an artist request, you should either add your images to an image hosting site like imgur, then link them into your message, or upload them in the replies to the thread you’ve created.
Otherwise, the request thread will be empty, and if it remains that way, we’ll have to reject it
(Recommended) Add your Discord tag to the request, so when your request is approved, the Artist role will be given to you in both the main Arcane Odyssey server, as well as the Arcane Odyssey Art Hub server
Await approval from the Artist Recruiters. When approved, you will be able to post on the Art category, which will be mirrored to the main Discord in its art channel
If your request is rejected
If you find that your request is denied for whatever reason, you’re always free to try again, following the submission steps from the start. However, we highly recommend that you submit new pieces of art.
Artist Rules & Guidelines
Keep in mind that all art both in submission and regular art posts after approval must follow the rules and guidelines defined in both the Discord server and Forum. Always keep the rules and general ROBLOX community demographic in mind before posting. When in doubt, always consult a Moderator.
As an artist, the purpose of this role is to give your creations a greater platform for exposure for everyone to see. What you create may represent us as a community. so please continue to adhere to this platform’s rules. If you fail to uphold this responsibility and are banned for any reason, your artist role will be revoked.
Official Forum Rules and Guidelines
In addition to the forum’s guidelines, there are a few more important rules specified for artists, you can refer to them here.
About the Art category - Art - Arcane Odyssey