Arcane Odyssey chest maps, with other info aswell

Everything seems good, only Sameria has missing chests. Highlighted them along with the amount in there:

Overall, looks like I’ll have to change my chest grinding route to include the extras in the city, guess I’ll be having more than 200 chests per hour now

Thanks for pointing that out, I’ve gone ahead and updated the map in the google drive folder, as that’s the one with the full res.
Later on when i get the chance I’ll update it in the post as well so they’re both in sync, but for now I believe it’s fine.

Alright, I just updated the post with the maps from the empires update; Took me a while to complete them since every island had its gimmick, but they’re finally done.
As always if any of ya’ll find anything I missed, please do point it out.
And also as a side note, I’ll probably be remaking the akursius keep map later on, since I’m confident I can do it better now, but that might have to wait a while, as I’m going to go on a vacation soon.




I am in disbelief that i missed this.

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came back after an year like nothing happened